I have decided to talk about the VARK learning style from the reading Sidhu, A. VARK Learning Style.
The VARK model suggests that there are four styles of learning: Visual, auditory, read/write, and kinaesthetic. Knowing your preferred learning style could help learning by understanding how one receives information best.
I completed the VARK questionnaire, and according to the results I have a multimodal learning preference. According to the reading, people who do not have a strong preference for a particular style of learning are called multimodal. Multimodal learners learn through a mixture of learning preferences rather than through one particular style.
I found that this relates to my own learning preferences. I prefer to learn by receiving information in different ways in order leave a better impression. For example, when reading about a topic I do not know much about, I find it is easier to grasp new information by listening to a voice recording of the text as I read it. I may otherwise skip over text, and the information would not settle properly in my mind. By listening to a voice recording while reading along, the information is made more memorable, as I can both see and hear the sentences being relayed in my mind. According to the VARK model this could be said to be a
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I think knowing how you learn best is indeed useful when it comes to approaching a topic of interest. While someone may be more naturally inclined to read a textbook rather than listen to a lecture (and be self-aware of this), an explanation on why they prefer to learn that way and how to utilize it may be especially motivating and time saving in the long run. For example, knowing how to make notes that best leave an impression on them personally, whether it be by making visually appealing notes with selective colours and diagrams, or by voice recording their own notes and listening to
They are uncertain about any learning that comes in only one way and they want to reinforce it by adding other modes of input or output. This group tends to have total VARK scores above 30 though the boundaries are not definite. (Please use citations from VARK multimodal extend report).
After taking the Vark questionaire I learned that I have a multimodal learning preference. I like when people explain things to me. I also rather see a visual or do things myself. I learn best by having someone explain things to me. For the aural section of the questionaire I scored a 12. I scored a 9 in the Visual and kinesthetic
All learners have different learning styles. Using materials at the initial stage of the learning process can highlight preferred styles. Honey and Mumford show four learning styles – activists, theorists, reflectors and pragmatists, while VAK highlights visual, auditory and kinaesthetic preferences.
Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
The VARK learning preference tool provides individuals with information that they can utilize to enhance their learning process by helping them to study more effectively and efficiently. The VARK tool consists of a questionnaire that the learner takes to identify which senses the individual uses to capture and process information, and serves as a guide to assist the individual to improve their learning by providing a summary of their preferred learning style. The VARK questionnaire contains 16 questions that identify four sensory
Our first step to identify the individual learning style of the learners’ (ergo to identify their needs), is performing ‘VAK’ (visual, aural, kinaesthetic) assessment. Francis and Gould (2013) describe it as a model of
From the time of birth, individuals are constantly learning. Individual learning styles vary from person to person. It is essential to the education of the individual to learn the particular style of learning that best serves them. One particular analysis tool is the visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic or V.A.R.K. tool (VARK, 2011). This tool allows the individual to identify their particular learning style which will better prepare them throughout their education.
Learning styles and barriers to learning can be by the VARK to give a profile of learning preferences of how a person takes in and gives out information or Tidwell and Rodgers Practical learning styles Questionnaire. The VARK learning styles determines if the person learns by being a theorist, reflector, activist and/or pragmatist. The practical learning styles questionnaire looks at how people learn by their orientation, whether they are a realistic or creative, by their interaction, are they a doer or a thinker, by how they represent things, either by words or pictures, and how they process information, whether they are a surface or deep processor. There are many other
“Just as students have different personalities, they also have different ways of learing (Slavin, 107).” Learning styles are another important factor to incorporate when implementing the best learning environment. Learning styles are defined as an individual's mode of gaining knowledge. The most common learning styles addressed are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory leaners understand information through hearing. Visual learners need more visual aids in the learning process, such as diagrams, webs, or pictures. Kinesthetic learners learn better by using manipulatives or by being physically involved in the learning process. Learning styles is a piece of the “backbone” of differentiated learning. Both are used to individualize instruction to help students achieve the most success.
The final way of learning is the read and write style. This method could be efficient in some places. Although, sometimes you will not have time to write things down. A professor will be speaking and take no breaks and you will miss some information. You might be in a lab experimenting, and you will not even be near a notebook to write. The problem with reading is that sometimes you are giving more than you actually can read. You won’t always have the time to work in reading with your schedule. It would just be too
For years, there have been many theorists who have shared their views on how individuals learn. Such research has determined that individuals have different learning styles. It is important for teacher to understand the learning styles of both themselves and their students because it helps them to relay the subject knowledge to the students. The teacher is in a position where they must be able to assess the learning styles of their students. This means that the students and teachers are both in a process of learning.
Dictionary.com defines a student as “a person formally engaged in learning” (Student, 2012). Students of any age know that comprehending and retaining information is essential to educational success. Just as every student had unique physical attributes, they also have unique learning styles in which they best retain new and important information. The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) is a questionnaire that is given to help individual find their unique learning style. This allows students and non students alike to explore the way in which the not only retain information, but the best way to present information. Each type of learning style is broken down with ways in which to
There are four main types of learning styles: auditory, kinaesthetic, reading and writing, and visual. Each of these theories describes how learning occurs and has its own terminology, perceptions on learning and generalities about teaching and learning. My personal learning style uses a combination of visual, reading, writing and auditory. I prefer using pictures,
My preferred learning style is auditory. I can use mnemonic devices, such as flash cards with audio to my advantage in school. The repetition of the flash cards would help me in science where there is lots of information to remember. Reading the information, text, stories, assignments, out loud would help me to fully understand the context. I can also read my drafting work out loud, so that it is less likely to miss any errors. During class, I can ask my teacher more questions or to explain certain concepts.
Being able to take in the information that is presented and being able to apply it is a crucial tool that is needed in order to be successful. One of the assignments that we were given in ENGR 1000 was that we were tasked to see what type of learner we were. Everyone has their own unique way of learning and I myself feel that I am more of a visual learner than verbal. There are eight different characteristics on a scale from one to ten which means there can be fifty thousand and four hundred different possibilities. This is why it is important to know and understand what type of learner you are because you are only one of that fifty thousand and four hundred. You could and are very likely spinning your wheels trying to learn things the wrong way if you truly don’t understand how you learn. I can read a book cover to cover and at the end, sometimes I could not tell you what I have just read. After taking that survey I was surprised at how much I was heavily leaning only on visual and not verbal. Just this one alone was putting me at a disadvantage in my education because I was only really taking in half of what I could be. I have started to rely different learning styles so that I can be more we