
Violet Stain Lab Report

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First a thin smear of bacteria, placed on a clean slide, covered with crystal violet stain for 1 minute. Next, completion of a wash and then an iodine solution is added to the smear to enhance staining for 1 minute. Being rinsed again in water and then 95% ethanol for one minute. Washing the violet stain off will differentiate between the two types of bacteria. If the bacteria retains the violet color, it means they are gram positive, while the others without strain are gram negative. The cell wall of the gram positive bacteria has a thick outer layer made up of peptidoglycan and the cell plasma membrane causing the stain to stick. The gram negative bacteria has an outer layer made up of lipopolysaccharides and proteins and then a thin layer of peptidoglycan and the plasma membrane. The lipids from the outer membrane dissolve with the ethanol wash, causing them to lose the violet stain. After the ethanol wash, the smear is washed in water and stained with safranin for one minute allowing for the gram negative bacteria visualization. Before the …show more content…

Nursing procedure requires mentoring for circulatory overload and pulmonary edema. The use of crystalloid balanced IV fluids shows lowered mortality and will regulate circulation within an appropriate fashion. (El Solh, Akinnusi, Alsawalha & Pineda, 2008)
Giving an initial dose of 50mg hydrocortisone infusion, if the patient has not been exposed to TB, as a source for adrenocortical insufficiency replacement therapy and is devoid of adverse side effects in low doses. (El Solh et al., 2008) This treatment will continue until hypotension resulting from sepsis stays resolved. If the patient was to go into septic shock an additional 50mg of fludrocortisone can be

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