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Strategy Experience Case Study Assignment Course: Strategic management WRSX GLOBAL ADVERTISING & MARKETING COMMUNICATION Phase 1 Introduction The aim of WRSX is to become a specialist provider in order to improve the competition in the business processing. As a specialist provider, the company can provide more service to the existing customers and attract more new customers for the company. To diversify and move into foreign markets, a variety of considerations ought to be put in place. The company will use tools and techniques to assess foreign markets as well as succeed in creating a huge market share back home. The success of any company will be based on strategic positioning and feasibility study …show more content…

Africa has increased purchasing power of FMCG brands especially Egypt and northern African countries. Social Consumer behaviour of US and Western Europe expects domination of retirees in consumer and service demand. They are keen on spending their kinships’ inheritance. Graduate age consumers will show a shift in work life balance, quality of work and taking the time to help communities. Governments are also focused on stimulating birth rates. Japan also experiences decline youth and overall population. CSR is hugely essential for the company’s reputation, so the company will promote the CSR policies through investment in education and other social projects and investment in reduction of the carbon footprint of the business through initiatives. Technological The Internet brings prestige brands to an enormous present day audience, previously unaware of the goings on in the world. Similarly, multi-nationals especially in the IT industries, usurp full advantages global recruitment ability and transfers global graduate trainees around the world to meet business demands. In the US market, it owns modern technology and digital media for the company. Internet based market research is one of the latest innovations. With using these modern technological markets, WRSX can keep more clients and owns more clients globally.

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