
Warehouse Simulation Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Sponsor: Our CEO is aware of the ongoing organization issue and is fully supporting this project. He is overseeing the budget and keeping our warehouse focused on the need for it to be implemented. He is also responsible to approve any cost overruns and overtime pay when necessary Project Manager: Our operations manager is the manager for this project. He is responsible to set the timelines, monitor costs, and ensure that the project is completed on time. He is also who will be ultimately responsible to ensure that the locations of products supports smooth traffic flow in the warehouse. Supplier: Our racking supplier will be working with us to optimize the utilization of our existing warehouse space. They will be helping with the design and …show more content…

The warehouse staff will need to move items to temporary storage locations, assist in setting up racking, and restocking shelves. Our data entry department will be required to update each item with package sizes, weights, and warehouse location information. Triple constraints: 1. Performance. The driving constraint on this project is the performance. The most important aspect of this project is that the warehouse is able to quickly find needed products. Time wasted in searching for products delays our delivery trucks leaving in a timely manner and also means that walk in customers have to wait for an excessive amount of time 2. Time. The middle constraint on this project is time. The improved performance of the warehouse staff when this project is more important than the cost. This project is not very expensive in terms of cash outlay, and if it could be sped up by spending a little extra money, either through overtime wages or expedited racking modifications, that would benefit us greatly. 3. Cost. On this project, cost is the least important constraint. Anything that can be spent to improve either the performance or the time is well worth

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