1. When comparing and contrasting wellness vs illness vs overall health, they all attribute to each other. We can compare wellness and illness because when we are feeling ill, we don’t feel centered in our normal being. Illnesses such as fevers and the flu makes us feel sluggish and can attribute to our overall emotions throughout the day. We may tend to be more cranky or uptight due to this. Our overall health can attribute to our wellness as well. For example, if a person who is overweight vs a person who is fit, will have different emotions and attitudes towards life. A person who is more fit, may be more energetic, due to their diet and daily activity. Exercise and nutrition have a tremendous effect on our well being. The person who might …show more content…
I would introduce the subject by explaining several situations in which stress is both good and bad. Certain stresses such as eustress can be good in some certain situations. We can think faster on our feet and actually act in the situation. Some of these situations can be falling in love, presenting a topic that you are passionate about, meeting someone new, etc. However, if we let the stress get the better of us, we might not know how to act in the situation, thus causing us to perform not as well as we actually can. I would then move on to how to do deal with both eustress, acute stress, and chronic stress. This is because I don’t want to bring a general negative feeling about stress. When dealing with stress, we can do many things, stress isn’t just a bad thing. Our natural instinct is to run from the situation to avoid the stress. But there are other ways in which we can address the situation while dealing with the stress. For starters, my favorite way to destress is to use all that pent up stress and relieve it in the gym. This allows me to clear my head and focus on my own personal gains. At the end of my workout, my heads clear and I can readdress the situation. Other forms of destressing is meditation. This allows you to focus on your state of being in the present moment. When I meditate and focus on all details, it allows for me to relieve all my current thoughts and center my body. This is similar to the raisin exercise because you are only focused on being in the present and your senses, nothing else. I would conclude by discussing how taking a time to get away from a certain situation can really allow us to destress from both good stresses and bad
According to the text, "Wellness has been defined as purposeful, enjoyable living or, more specifically, a deliberate lifestyle choice characterized by personal responsibility and optimal enhancement of physical, mental and spiritual health.
Each part enhances supports and affects the others. Individual wellness is reflective of how each of these factors is addressed.
I consider health as a state of wellness. With this, I bear in mind that each person’s idea of wellness may differ from the next. For example, a diabetic may consider his diabetes being under control and healthy when his
Wellness is the health of a person as a whole. It encompasses the person’s physical, as well as mental and emotional health. Over time, therapist came to the realization that clients needed to be well in every aspect of their lives in order to be healthy ("Wellness in Mental
By looking at what different people say about health, it is clear that each one look at it differently. Therefore, there are many ways to define health. When we look at health, all physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects should be considered because they all affect our health equally. Health can be defined in many ways, positively, negatively and holistically. It depends on how the individuals look at their health and how concerned they are about it. Our state of healthiness will depend on many things such as where do we live, what job do we do, what do we eat, who are our friends and everything else related to our lifestyle. Our choice about our lifestyle can make a difference to our health. If we are interested enough in ourselves, we can improve our own health. Some people think, that it depends only on the health care we obtain; however, it doesn't only depend on this. It is connected to our lifestyle as well.
Currently, the concept of wellness commonly applied across healthcare’s disciplines. However, the term of wellness may be used differently across contexts, disciplines, and populations. In this essay, there is the article of McMahon and Fleury (2012) focusing on the term of wellness especially in older adults. The authors analyzed this concept based on the Roger’s evolution perspective framework and defined the attributes, antecedences, and consequences of wellness as follow.
In modern society there is a general consensus that ‘good health’ is something that everyone wants to experience and that each individual knows what this involves. Because there are so many different definitions of health and ill health it can become a very complicated concept. Walsh (2011) states that “In sociological terms ‘health’ and ‘illness’ are contested concepts. This means that the general meaning of these words should not be taken for granted.
Most often than not health is used synonymously with wellness. It can be assumed that when a person is healthy then they are well. Thus, wellness and healthy can be used interchangeably. The UC Davis Student health and counseling services explains that wellness has eight dimensions: “occupational, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial, physical, social, and intellectual. Each dimension of wellness is interrelated with another and they are all equally vital in the pursuit of optimum health”. Health’s the body’s ability to adapt to a variety of stresses or challenges maintaining a state of equilibrium that is physical, mental, and emotional. Based on the following information it can be easily reasoned that health should be considered a basic human right. Difficulty accessing healthy food based off of geographic location, denied access to healthcare treatments based off of individuals economic capacity, and denied access to health care based off of where a person is born should not happen. Health does not consist of one concept but rather a combination of comprehensive subjects that form the cycle of everyday life.
The two principles of wellness are physical wellness and social wellness. Physical wellness means ability to recognize the benefits of physical activities and adopting healthy habits such as routine check-ups of vital signs, a balanced diet and exercise while avoiding the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive use of alcohol. (Floyd, Mimms & Yelding 2008). Second, social wellness is characterized by the ability of an individual to connect with other people in the world and become aware of their importance in the society as well as take an active part in improving our surrounding by encouraging healthier living and build a better living space in the community (Hettler, 1976).
The purpose of this paper is to explain my definition of Intellectual, emotional, social and physical wellness. Also the purpose is to set certain goals for myself so I have a standard that I can attain to.
The wellness approach to health is an alternative way of living that encourages self awareness and understanding as a means of ensuring lasting health. There are six areas of living that the wellness approach focuses on and prompts people to take responsibility for their health. These ways include acceptance of normal aging, understanding holistic living's responsibilities, varying daily activities, knowing gender and age-specific healthcare needs, health assessment strategies, and proper health assessment creation.
The biomedical model and the biopsychosocial model are both representations of health commonly accepted in modern society. The biomedical model considers the absence of disease is physical wellness. This model is good practice but it has limitations. On the other hand, the biopsychosocial model takes into account the whole person which has led to extensive research in many aspects of wellness. It addresses more than physical well being as many people now are ill but they have no presence of disease. Socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity and generational differences all play important roles in
There are six separate and distinct categories when defining one’s wellness. Those stages are physical, social, vocational, environmental, psychological, and spiritual. Without one the other could not exist. Physical wellness includes being physically fit, eating nutritiously, and getting adequate sleep. I consider myself to be doing well in this category. I always am in bed before midnight, and exercise at least four to five times in a week. I consider my diet to be the one thing lacking when looking deeper into my physical well-being. Social wellness means having satisfying, trusting relationships and interacting well with others. I feel that this is also a strong part of my total wellness. I feel confident as well as excited to meet new people here at Cornerstone everyday. Vocational wellness is finding meaning in and satisfaction with your school, job, and leisure pursuits. Looking at the vocational
Health and wellness are increasingly being used. Health actually is more to a medical and describes the mental and physical state of a person. It will reflect a lack of disease of a person. In the contrary, wellness is defined as the overall process of maintaining a state of good health of a person. Wellness involves conscious decisions on the part of the individual, while health simply describes a person's condition of the body. However, the combined phrase health and wellness showed the meaning of the state of complete physical, mental, emotional health and social wellbeing, and it is when a person is absence of disease.
What health and wellness mean to me may be different than what the textbook would state health and wellness is. Health means to me the condition in which your body is, which could be poor or good health. The mind,spirit,physicality would pertain all to the state of one's body. Wellness is the consistent goal towards being in wellness meaning that one strives to be in good personal health. The book describes wellness as; “ wellness is the physical-well being , emotional-well being ,and spiritual- well being.” (Robert T. Harper) According to Merriam Webster the definition of health is “the condition of being sound in mind,body,and spirit.”(...) There is not much difference between what I perceive as health and