
Wellness Vs Overall Health

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1. When comparing and contrasting wellness vs illness vs overall health, they all attribute to each other. We can compare wellness and illness because when we are feeling ill, we don’t feel centered in our normal being. Illnesses such as fevers and the flu makes us feel sluggish and can attribute to our overall emotions throughout the day. We may tend to be more cranky or uptight due to this. Our overall health can attribute to our wellness as well. For example, if a person who is overweight vs a person who is fit, will have different emotions and attitudes towards life. A person who is more fit, may be more energetic, due to their diet and daily activity. Exercise and nutrition have a tremendous effect on our well being. The person who might …show more content…

I would introduce the subject by explaining several situations in which stress is both good and bad. Certain stresses such as eustress can be good in some certain situations. We can think faster on our feet and actually act in the situation. Some of these situations can be falling in love, presenting a topic that you are passionate about, meeting someone new, etc. However, if we let the stress get the better of us, we might not know how to act in the situation, thus causing us to perform not as well as we actually can. I would then move on to how to do deal with both eustress, acute stress, and chronic stress. This is because I don’t want to bring a general negative feeling about stress. When dealing with stress, we can do many things, stress isn’t just a bad thing. Our natural instinct is to run from the situation to avoid the stress. But there are other ways in which we can address the situation while dealing with the stress. For starters, my favorite way to destress is to use all that pent up stress and relieve it in the gym. This allows me to clear my head and focus on my own personal gains. At the end of my workout, my heads clear and I can readdress the situation. Other forms of destressing is meditation. This allows you to focus on your state of being in the present moment. When I meditate and focus on all details, it allows for me to relieve all my current thoughts and center my body. This is similar to the raisin exercise because you are only focused on being in the present and your senses, nothing else. I would conclude by discussing how taking a time to get away from a certain situation can really allow us to destress from both good stresses and bad

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