
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Team Communication?

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To solve the tasks, the researchers provided a particular clue to each team member. Thus, the team members had to exchange information to solve the task successfully. Aside from the virtual tasks, the researchers also assigned individual assignments.

The training on virtual team communication consists of three parts: the introduction of meeting process stages and team dynamics, the discussion about the disadvantages of online communication, and the introduction of the rules of netiquette. In the first part, it was necessary to define the member’s task roles and to let the members get to know each other. In the second part, the members learned about free riders and information overload. They also learned how they could address them. Lastly, …show more content…

Furthermore, team members must embrace collaborative technology to help them work together as one, fluid team. They must understand and respect time differences.
In a regular office management, managers can check on the progress of each team member. Yet, it becomes different to do this with virtual teams. Thus, team managers must build a virtual team with skilled and qualified members. They must trust their members to do their job. They can manage results by using deadlines and benchmarks to measure success and effectiveness.

Communication through email is not always efficient, especially with virtual teams. Members work in different time zones. More often than not, it takes days to resolve issues through emails. Thus, for the immediate resolution of issues, the virtual team can use video conferencing, group chats, and instant messaging.

Leadership responsibilities fuel motivation among team members. They instill pride and create smoother interactions. Essentially, they ensure that each member finishes his assigned tasks on time. The team leader must be able to coach his members one-on-one to encourage them to hone their leadership skills. Moreover, he can build rapport, diffuse tension, and bolster teamwork by developing social and personal …show more content…

Every person has his own method and style of communication. In general, it is best to ask the other person about his preferred style. The team leader must ask his team members about the effectiveness of his communication. This way, he can change and improve. Asking about candid thoughts from team members can pave the way for better understanding because members see the team leader as a partner and collaborator. If individuals are willing to change and improve, the team can achieve better results that are mutually beneficial to each

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