The study uses a mixed methods research strategy to examine two hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that children (8-13 years) who play club basketball will have more accurate perceived skill competence than children (8-13 years) who play recreational basketball. While the second hypothesis states that children (8-13 years) who play club basketball will use peer comparison to evaluate perceived skill competence while children (8-13 years) who play recreational basketball will use adult feedback to evaluate perceived skill competence. The rationale for a mixed research method approach involves the criticality associated with actual skill competence accuracy. Previous research used observers that subjectively rated each child’s actual skill level. Instead, this study will triangulate data by using both objective and subjective collection methods to measure actual skill levels. Greene, Caracelli, and Graham (1989) identified data corroboration from different methods as a reason to use mixed methodologies. …show more content…
129). As such, Johnson et al. represents the attitude among some scholars that the mixed research method is an acceptable methodological approach. Although, Thomas and James (2006) disputed mixed research as a methodology by saying, “the mistake…is to assume that qualitative inquiry can in any way share elements or end-points congruent with those of scientific inquiry” (p.779). Similarly, Smith and Heshusius (1986) have argued that qualitative and quantitative research are not compatible or complementary. Despite such criticism, the author believes the mixed research method approach adds rigor to this
For the purpose of assessment, this paper will be based on a year 7 middle school class who are beginning a new unit of basketball. This paper will attempt to show how teachers can educate students to acquire new skills in basketball and various ways to assess development and adaptation (by students) to the sport. Basketball is a diverse sport, played across the globe, that captures a variety of skills, which participants try to attain. The main skills used in basketball are dribbling, shooting, passing, and defending, but many other developmental skills (which come under the umbrella of the main skills) can be acquired. By understanding the main skills needed to teach basketball on an autonomous
The fluency and comprehension subtest produced a standard deviation of three and standard scores with a mean of 10. The resultant standard deviation of 15 and oral reading quotient has a mean of 100 (Wiederholt & Bryant, 2001). Generalization occurs in this study relating to fluency, whether students in other regions, states, or schools have comparable responses to doing oral reading before their peers.
The social sciences employ three main types of research methodologies: qualitative research, quantitative research, and mixed-methods research. Qualitative research is a catch-all term that describes field research within social settings (Saint-Germain, 2002). It does not have a control group or require the researchers to impose variables and is not going to be sufficient to establish causation. However, qualitative research is excellent at providing descriptions of behavior. While qualitative research is descriptive, quantitative research is predictive. It makes predictions known as hypotheses, tests those hypotheses, and attempts to establish cause and effect (Xavier, 2012). Mixed-methods research, as its name implies, employs a mixture of qualitative and quantitative elements in its research design. Generally, a mixed methods approach is appropriate when a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, together, provide a better understanding of research (Fischler, 2012).
The study uses a mixed methods research strategy to examine two hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that children (8-13 years) who play club basketball will have more accurate perceived skill competence than children (8-13 years) who play recreational basketball. While the second hypothesis states that children (8-13 years) who play club basketball will use peer comparison to evaluate perceived skill competence while children (8-13 years) who play recreational basketball will use adult feedback to evaluate perceived skill competence. The rationale for a mixed research method approach involves the criticality associated with actual skill competence accuracy. Previous research only used subjective collection methods to determine a child’s
The use of mixed methods is currently increasing in social science research since it emphasizes methodological pluralism, and provides a broader and more credible understanding of the research problem than the use of a single method (Tashakkori and Teddlie 2010). However, mixing methods for no good reason other than the sake of it can produce disjointed and unfocussed research, and can severely test the capabilities of researchers. I raise some cautionary issues in this paper by critiquing the methodology in the journal article titled “Researching men: the politics and possibilities of a qualitative mixed-methods approach” published by Meth and McClymont (2011).
Quantitative and qualitative research styles will both be used to increase the validity of the study, Parahoo (2006) agrees with this and describes this method as triangulation, incorporating a positivist approach. De Poy and Gitlin (2011) and Bryman (2012) agree with this and express that using a mixed methods approach gives a further comprehensive knowledge of the research method and conjoining the two can complement each other. Furthermore, Larkin et al (2014) state that the intention of mixed methods research is to improve confidence in findings, increase understanding in healthcare and ensure all groups in society are listened to. Moreover, Gelling, L (2014) found that the use of both approaches makes a great
Sage (2009) explains that Qualitative information is collected first to enhance the understanding of the phenomenon under study. Furthermore, Polit and Beck (2012) explains the importance of Mixed Method in research and stated that a hypothesis that is supported by information, which is complementary brings about confidence in the validity of the results.
Youth sports are developmental programs, where the focus is more on the athlete than winning games. As a result, the final score or a won-loss record does not define success. Therefore, I view success as a process measured by incremental steps as young athletes develop skills and character traits. Further, the fundamental skills such as footwork, passing and shooting are more important than team skills. Spending the time to teach and drill the basics provides a solid foundation for future success. Consequently, over
Mixed methodology is the theoretical framework research for this thesis, which includes critical qualitative research and deductive research methodologies. Critical research starts with concepts judged the most relevant to the situation such as the value and impact of blockchain technology on society. Since beginning with ideas and premises about the blockchain, such as it will dramatically improve the accessibility to trade for many; deductive research would be appropriate in order to validate and show support this and other beliefs with practical evidence. In addition, a review of interviews will collect additional empirical data that support the theoretical base of our hypotheses.
"With the development and perceived legitimacy of both qualitative and quantitative research in social and human sciences, mixed methods research, employing the combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, has gained popularity." (Creswell, p. 203). Describe the development of mixed methodology in educational research. Discuss the steps that need to be taken to develop a viable mixed methods research study.
As a reaction to the anecdotal evidence, structured and formal mixed methods research training was included in the Qualitative Research Unit for the program from 2008 in response to the noted increasing trend for candidates to include mixed method designs in their projects. The teaching of mixed methods as a formal component in the research training subjects has been welcomed by both the candidates and their supervisors. In addition,
Complementarity, practicality, incrementality, enhanced validity, and collaboration are the advantages of the mixed method research mentioned by Polit and Beck
The study will use a mixed method approach in data collection and analysis to provide enriched data. Mixed methodology will provide a useful inter-play between qualitative and quantitative approaches and capture the best of both. This study will use an embedded design of mixed methodology (Plano Clark et al. 2008) because the research has different questions that need both quantitative and qualitative data to provide answers. However, the study will be a qualitatively driven mixed methodology wherein the qualitative data will be the core component/approach and the quantitative approach will provide the supplementary data (Qualquan mixed method). Furthermore, as there is little research on this subject area in Canada, using a qualitative strategy will allow for the discovery of unexpected issues and an in - depth exploration of perceptions via Indigenous methods.
When both research designs are used together, more information can be gathered. Mixed methodology uses the numerical portion of the quantitative study design in combination with the descriptive aspect of the qualitative study. There are many similarities between these two designs, which make them compatible with each other.
The research design for our ideal, imaginary study could be described as a mixed methods study drawing on concurrent quantitative and qualitative techniques for the collection of data and evaluation of related research questions (Gall, Gall & Borg, 2015). The quantitative portion of the study would consist of a survey with close-ended questions that allowed for the retrieval of statistical analysis and results in a numerical representation and a few open-ended questions that would elicit more elaborate answers from participants than would be possible in a close-ended format. The qualitative portion of the study would be more subjective, completely open-ended and include two separate parts. The first