
What Is Mixed Research

Decent Essays

The study uses a mixed methods research strategy to examine two hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that children (8-13 years) who play club basketball will have more accurate perceived skill competence than children (8-13 years) who play recreational basketball. While the second hypothesis states that children (8-13 years) who play club basketball will use peer comparison to evaluate perceived skill competence while children (8-13 years) who play recreational basketball will use adult feedback to evaluate perceived skill competence. The rationale for a mixed research method approach involves the criticality associated with actual skill competence accuracy. Previous research used observers that subjectively rated each child’s actual skill level. Instead, this study will triangulate data by using both objective and subjective collection methods to measure actual skill levels. Greene, Caracelli, and Graham (1989) identified data corroboration from different methods as a reason to use mixed methodologies. …show more content…

129). As such, Johnson et al. represents the attitude among some scholars that the mixed research method is an acceptable methodological approach. Although, Thomas and James (2006) disputed mixed research as a methodology by saying, “the mistake…is to assume that qualitative inquiry can in any way share elements or end-points congruent with those of scientific inquiry” (p.779). Similarly, Smith and Heshusius (1986) have argued that qualitative and quantitative research are not compatible or complementary. Despite such criticism, the author believes the mixed research method approach adds rigor to this

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