Due to the close relationship between the absorption of triglycerides and fat-soluble vitamins, disorders of fat absorption are invariably always associated with a disorder of the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Esters of fat-soluble vitamins, dissolved in nutritional fat, are hydrolyzed in the intestinal lumen by pancreatic carboxylic ester hydrolases (Ballard et al., 2007, Reboul and Borel, 2011). The underlying mechanisms of water-soluble vitamins being absorbed are more complex and less uniform than those of the fat-soluble vitamins. Some water-soluble vitamins, such as folic acid, must be transformed in the intestinal lumen prior to absorption. The influence of high- and low-fiber diets on urinary riboflavin excretion was examined …show more content…
The glucomannan konjac mannan has a lowering effect on vitamin E absorption in healthy volunteers and in diabetic patients (Jenkins et al., 20001). This could be demonstrated with the vitamin E tolerance test when the glucomannan was added to the test meal. It is uncertain whether there are relations between vitamin K metabolism and ingestion of dietary fiber. Investigations on the influence of dietary fiber on vitamin K absorption and serum vitamin K concentration are not available. The prothrombin and thromboplastin times of diabetics who were treated with a high-fiber diet (25 to 35 g dietary fiber per 1000 kcal) for an average of 21 months remained unchanged. This indicates that the high-fiber diet does not impair vitamin K absorption (Alonso-Sande et al., 2009, Scholfield et al., 1990). The underlying mechanisms of water-soluble vitamins being absorbed are more complex and less uniform than those of the fat-soluble vitamins. Some water-soluble vitamins, such as folic acid, must be transformed in the intestinal lumen prior to absorption. The influence of high- and low-fiber diets on urinary riboflavin excretion was examined in healthy subjects. Compared to a control group receiving a low-fiber diet, coarse and fine bran, cellulose, and cabbage increased urinary excretion for 8 h when 15 mg riboflavin-5-phosphate were administered orally with breakfast. The authors concluded that dietary fiber accelerates GI riboflavin
Highlighting from the research publication, “A Prospective Study of Dietary Fiber Intake and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Women” from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers developed a food-frequency questionnaire assessing 39,876 female health professionals with no previous history of CVD or cancer to support the concept. Women were followed for an average of six years for incidence of various CVD or death confirmed by medical records or death certificates. Evidence from epidemiological studies suggests a strong inverse association between dietary fiber and coronary disease, high intakes of fiber and 20% to 40% in reductions to risk, as well as increased intake of fiber and reduction of plasma cholesterol. The data generally support current dietary recommendations to increase the consumption of fiber-rich whole grains and vegetables as a primary preventive measure against Cardio vascular disease.
Liver is known as the metabolic port of entry for any endobiotic and xenobiotic substance. The anabolism and catabolism of most of the nutrients are in major performed by the liver. Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism by the liver is of significance as the anomalies in metabolism of these nutrients may introduce several types of metabolic syndromes. The protective effects of aqueous green tea extract have been shown on hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia and liver dysfunction in diabetic and obese rat models [74]. Different nutrients combinations were tested in a long-term feeding in experimental mouse model. Regional and continental food habit and practices are very much different. Effects of Western, vegetarian, and Japanese dietary fat
“I am not a crook” said President Nixon. When President Nixon said this, he was talking about The Watergate. The Watergate was one of the biggest scandals and was also another example of presidents using their power for evil. The Watergate was when President Nixon broke laws The Watergate was significant because it was a big part of our history and it changed many lives for better and worse.
Have you ever wondered how well Napoleon in “Animal Farm,” a novel by George Orwell relates to the real Joseph Stalin that he is meant to portray? To understand fully the relationship between the two we need to know a little about the background of the Russian revolution itself.
This paper will focus on some important nutrients that are important for general health: fiber and protein. My personal daily intake will be analyzed to determine what foods are providing the right type of proteins and fiber, and how food consumption might be adjusted to provide for a healthier nutrient intake. It is important to state at the outset that the nutrient intake that is being used for this analysis is only for a one-day period. However, it will provide some insight into my eating habits and how those habits might be improved from a scientific standpoint.
Do Happy Cows Make Better Milk? : Analysis of the Chemical Components of Milk The main goal of this lab was to correctly separate milk into its major components. Other objectives included: performing basic qualitative tests to confirm correct separation, identifying the major components of milk, and assigning polar and non-polar properties to components of milk.
During this week, I Edgar Burgos had to conduct a food intake for 3 consecutive days. This paper will describe my nutritional endeavor for the past three days. I will provide different aspects of my nutritional needs and an in depth analysis on how proteins fats carbohydrates and fiber take part in my everyday diet and what are these functions. This is intended to broaden my views of a healthy lifestyle, and how to achieve it through a variety of food groups.
2. Why does an individual need to make sure that they consume water-soluble vitamins more often than fat-soluble vitamins?
Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea is a fictitious short story set in a coastal fishing village in Cuba around the 1940’s. In the story, Cubans admire Americans and mostly live in poverty. The story focuses on a fisherman named Santiago and his experience attempting to catch a marlin. Main characters in the story include: Santiago, Manolin, the marlin, and Joe DiMaggio.
When analyzing the comparison of the percentages intake of carbohydrates, the dietary recommended intake (DRI) in iprofile was 45-65%. The outcome of the three-day process displays that I am within an acceptable range of 57%. However, the foods that were part of the three-day diet consisted of various carbohydrates such as complex, simple, and fiber. Despite, that many people try to avoid or cut starches, they are vital to an individual health for several reasons. However, the body used carbohydrate as the primary source for providing energy, to protect against diseases, controlling weight, which all factors are important in a healthy diet (Mayo Clinic, 2016). An importance of carbohydrates in the diet, it can easily store in both the muscles and liver for future use and plays a role in the organs such as the kidneys, brain, and the heart for operating properly (Medline Plus, 2016).
Folate is a natural occurrence in foods such as beans and pulses (e.g. lentils and chickpeas), leafy green vegetables, broccoli, spinach, tuna and oranges (Tiran, 2000). Some foods are also fortified with folic acid such as cereals and bread. Late in the 1990’s United State scientists came to the realisation that despite the availability of folic acid in supplements as well as foods available in the supermarkets, people were still finding it a challenge to meet their daily folate requirement; with this in mind the United States of America implemented the folate fortification program (Latimes.com). For women of childbearing age, folic acid consumption needed to be increased so in January of 1998 the United States food and drug administration authorised a folic acid fortification of all products containing grain. The
Vitamins are a class of nutrients that contain carbon. Vitamins are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth. There are two types of vitamins fat-soluble and water-soluble this means that they dissolve in fat and water. There are 4 fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E,K. Vitamin A keeps your eyes and skin looking healthy. It also is needed for the growth of bones and teeth. Vitamin D is the sunlight vitamin and helps absorb calcium. Vitamin E protects your cells and vitamin K clots your blood. All of these can be stored if you have extra as fat. The water-soluble vitamins need to be replenished daily because any extra will be discharged as waste. Water Soluble vitamins are any one that was not mentioned above. They are needed to produce
This indicates that the metabolism of proteins was apparently affected by Ch.t extract. The improvement on the levels of protein and albumin in the diabetic treated groups show that Ch.t extract have significant effect in glucose and protein level because insulin inhibit gluconeogenesis from protein [ ] or could be due to improvement in renal function. This affirmative agrees with the fact that the weight of skeletal muscles was significantly increase in diabetic rats treated with Ch.t extract. The decrease in albumin level documented for diabetic rats may be due to liver massive necrosis, deterioration of liver function, hepatic resistance to insulin and glycogen impairment of oxidative phosphorylation[ ].Under the same experimental conditions serum globulin level revealed an appreciable decrease[ ]. The renal pathogenesis is related to duration of diabetes, the most devastating complication with diabetes is nephropathy[
Although Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is a vital component of the four primary carboxylase enzymes that scientist see in humans. In Japan there was a formula that did not contain sufficient amounts of biotin for infants. From seeing this, researchers then decided to take their study and practice on mice and see how they react to the formula that showed that the infants were lacking biotin from this ketogenic formula. “Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the ketogenic diet on biotin status in mice. Methods: Male mice (N = 32) were divided into the following groups: control diet group, biotin-deficient (BD) diet
Folic acid plays many important roles in the body. There is no doubting that it is essential. The reason that we need a constant stream of it is because it is not stored in large quantities in the body. It is water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins are stored for longer in our system. When ingested, the body uses what it can and the rest comes out in urine, in very little time the body will need more. We discussed how pregnant women get a proven benefit, and studies continue on its role in reducing risks of other diseases, but regardless of what additional benefits are found, it is clear that without folic acid in our bodies, we would not be alive. Folic acid aids in the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Folate even has a role in the digestive system! It works with vitamins B12 and C to help the body digest and synthesize proteins. Lastly, folic acid helps tissues grow and cells function, it is an integral part of the body working as it should.