Ten Weekend getaways near Bangalore Tired of the busy everyday life? Tired of rushing to work every morning and then coming back home exhausted and then going to sleep, well if you are bored of this everyday schedule and need to have a break, the best option would be to refresh yourself in midst of nature. NANDI HILLS Located at a distance of 60kms from the city of Bengaluru is Nandi hills also known as the Nandi betta, is one of the cities favorite weekend getaway. The name of the hill itself has a vast history and so has the place. Starting from the period of Cholas to Tipu sultan there have been several stories about the hills. Nandi hills added itself to the Tourists spot, a beautiful and serene place for one to spend a few hours. The curvy road to the top surrounded by beautiful scenery is a paradise to the sightseers. The place is ideal for the cyclists and Bikers, for them to experience contentment in a short distance. The place is best known for its exquisite sunrise and sunset view from the top of the hill. It has attractions like Tipu’s drop, Tipu’s summer palace and fort, Temples and other places with historical events associated with it. RAMADEVARABETTA “Kitne aadmi they!?” yes, u guessed it right. The worldwide famous blockbuster movie Sholay was shot in the …show more content…
The path to the peak is cut and carved, the presence of man-made steps that are carved into the rocks make the trek comfortable for beginners. The path to the summit is pretty tiring but just as exciting. The crowd is pretty much normal so possibility of getting lost is less. There are a lot of halt points with stalls serving food and drinks. The trekking path to reach pinnacle from foothill is about 2-2.5 km, towards the end trail becomes steep and narrow and hence difficult to climb, there after safety rails are provided. You will find a lot of monkeys here and you might end up having to hide your belongings from
As said by Zopa, “You can never tell who the mountain will allow, and who it will not.” Peak needs to reach the top of the mountain as soon as possible, before he turns 15, in order to break the world record of having the youngest person reach above 29,000 feet. To do this, though, he endangers his life with the cold, getting oxygen, and just the climb itself. As they say, “Climb high, sleep low,” to get acclimatized, that way your lungs will be caught up with your body, or else they would collapse and you could come down with a serious case of HAPE. With the climb itself, Peak faces quite a few difficulties. At one point, when he was climbing up a steep slope with his axes, one of Sun-Jo’s slipped, and he was dangling. But, being the hero he is, Peak climbed sideways towards the rope that was hanging there, grabbed it, and swung down to Sun-Jo, saving him just as his crampon was slipping. There were other things like avalanches that happened, but the most killer thing was the so called death zone. In it, you have to get in and out in under 18 hours, or else you will meet certain death. Oxygen or not, there’s only a certain time limit you can survive it. Of course Peak made it out in time, but he did not, in fact, reach the summit, which was actually rather
Conditions on the trail are certainly favorable to anyone sporting quality shoes; however, I do recommend a decent pair of hiking shoes. Although a short walk from the parking area, approximately half a mile, along with a small rock bed crossing, there are no steams or arduous leaps to take in your trek to the base of Lockegee Rock. Once at the base, one can expect a short vertical ascent to the summit. Climbing gear, certainly a helmet, may prove beneficial, however, plenty of rocky edges and tree roots make the climb fairly effortless for anyone in average to good health. While the trip to the base is not difficult, attempting an ascent to the summit for anyone with limited mobility and strength may not be wise, certainly not without special training and equipment. In any case, the prepared photographer leaves nothing to chance. Remember, if hiking to the top of the rock to capture the vista of the year, don’t forget that you will be lugging your camera gear as well.
Individuals of the same ethnic background share the same culture a factor that explains that there, as many cultures as there are ethnic backgrounds across the world. Globalization has, however, led to interaction of people from varied cultural backgrounds. Because of the interaction, globalization has been accused of limiting cultural diversity. It is, however, not the case in reality. The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the factors that justify that globalization has not limited cultural diversity as its critics say. Thus, globalization should not be viewed as a hindrance to cultural diversity because the best subject of moral concern should be the individual person and not the nation, community or the society.
Nature presents itself around us every day, sprouting between the sidewalk and the street, potted on a porch or controlled and planned out in sectioned off lots often accompanied by a playground. Living in the city, we are not often presented with the unpredictable qualities of wild nature, an environment that is more likely to make the average person feel like an explorer of uncharted territory than a trip to the neighborhood park would ever make us feel.
While reading different essays addressing the topic of nature, I came to the conclusion that they all shared the idea that being outside can make an impact in everyone no matter if you believe you only belong in a city or forest because it can bring you serenity and show you all the amazing things you wouldn't be able to see anywhere else. In Wendell Berry’s essay “An Entrance to the Woods,” he states that people can use the quiet of the woods to forget all their problems. Berry wrote “One is that, though I am here in body, my mind and my nerves too are not yet altogether here. We seem to grant to our high-speed roads and our airlines the rather thoughtless assumption that people can change places as rapidly as their bodies can be transported.” Nature has a way to transport ones mind and spirit elsewhere while the body is left behind on earth as we travel deep into thought. Adding on to that idea, the essay “A City Person Encountering Nature” by Maxine Hong Kingston the author explains that nature is a giver of peace and patience with its slow cycles that may frustrate people, but help keep a sane mind. Society is fast paced, making everyone feel that they need to keep the same pace in order to get things done, but we don't realize that although our bodies are moving and pushing, our minds are exhausted and cannot keep up with the fast pace. Kingston wrote “Preferring the city myself, I can better discern natural phenomena when books point them out; I also need to verify
Nature in its tranquility provides a calming sensation away from the buzzing city life. The ability
Almost everyone has some kind of leisure time whether it is a couple hours or a couple days. What varies is the type of recreational activities people choose to do during that time. Although leisure and recreation is chosen based on ones unique individual interests, there are many sociocultural factors that influence the type of recreational activities we do, when we do it and how often we do it. These factors include political,
Unfortunately I see this conversation ending with Celeste and Jim both very upset and no solutions to the conflict being discussed. It seems that at the end of this scenario the conflict was beginning to spiral out of control, and communication was shutting down. It will end with Celeste and Jim blowing up at each other and not being willing to understand the others perspective about the situation. They will not talk for a while after this happens and Jim will hire Nikki as he intended to from the beginning. As a negative end to this conflict I see Jim and Celeste looking back over the conflict still trying to defend their position (retrospective goals).
This literature review focuses on the development of empathy in early childhood, and how children show their feelings in everyday activity. How do you measure empathy? Which methods do you use to observe and measure empathy? What is the best way to improve empathetic and prosocial behavior in young children? These are a few of the questions I had going into this review. We know that teaching empathy is important, because teaching children to care is something that impacts their actions towards others throughout the rest of their lives.
After working all year long, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can become very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer. The last part of winter or the first part of spring, is when
Approximately 33% or a third of all families in the United States will go on a family vacation this year. Family vacations when you break it down is entirely for the parents. Parents and their children are stressed during the school year, whether it's providing for the family or homework. Family vacations may be stress reducing or enhancing depending on where you go, who you’re going with, and why you’re going.
After you choose your destination the next thing you must do is reserve your airfare and hotel. This may be tough because there are many websites and travel agents that you can go through. I have found that it is cheaper and easier to go through Expedia.com. You can book your hotel and flight all together and pay one low price. I have also found that flying with Southwest Airlines is very cheap and they have many one way stops all across the country and for a cheap hotel that is very nice I recommend the Extended Stay America.
The only sound that filled my ears was my keyboard clicking as my fingers raced across it. I had been procrastinating from finishing this assignment all evening, but I knew I needed to get it done. The burning sunset was shining through the windows as I was finishing up. It was a peaceful silence, until I heard the soft whispers of my parents that ignited my sense of curiosity. I was concentrating hard; doing my best trying to make out the hushed words that were being spoken.
Spending quality time with family is one of my favorite childhood memories, whether it was spending time outdoors, playing ping pong, or watching a movie. My most meaningful family memory came from our vacation to Colorado back in 2004; yes, 2004. Although I don’t remember all of the events that transpired, I’m able to recall most of the memorable events that took place. It was a cool, misty morning in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, and I could distinctly hear the unmistakable elk calls that echoed through the mountains. The breeze gently scraped my face as I got into the car to begin the first day of our family vacation in Colorado. I could hear the car tires gently humming on the road during this cool, foggy, Colorado morning. As I looked past the lanky pine trees, glistening drops of dew formed on the tall grass, dancing with the wind. As we moved further down the road, I could see the tip of the sun barely begin to peek over the steep, snowy mountain peaks; however, the sun was soon covered by the misty Colorado clouds. This was it: our family vacation!
The use of technology is worldwide domineering owing to its impact on human life and improvement of the socio-economic relations worldwide. For instance, the wireless communication involving mobile phones and computers are the fastest diffusing globally. This has given technology a lot of popularity among the teens and the youths. One thing we have to agree on is that technology cannot be done away with from students since it helps them in preparing for the real world. Therefore, for them to be relevant in the world, they have to have an encounter with it. Technology has been viewed to have both positive and negative impacts. Some youths and teens are of the opinion that, technology makes their lives safer and more expedient. However, in this paper I take a different perspective since students are not able to do tasks on their own anymore. Electronics and current technology such as a computer and cellphones hinder the students’ academic performance and basic learning abilities by promoting procrastination, increasing distractions during class, and inhibiting the use of outside resources. Nonetheless, technology cannot be solely blamed for hindering students and their academic studies (Rossing et al., 11).