
Why Do We Know About Doing It?

Satisfactory Essays

Exercise, we all think about doing it, some of us do it for awhile and quit, and some people have a exercise routine they complete every day. Like many people, I think about exercising, but can never seem to find the time or someone to buddy up with to encourage me on the days I really don’t want to. Well, if you live in Chicago, or one of the other 14 cities November Project is in, you are in luck! What is November Project? It is a group of people, a “tribe” the call themselves, who find a way to exercise at least two times a week, no matter what the weather. It started in Boston, MA in 2011 and since, has grown to 33 cities world wide, including Chicago. They use verbals to promote accountability in the group. It is a great way to …show more content…

The experience level is all over the place from NHL hockey players, Olympic Athletes, Iron Man finishers, Ultra marathoners, Triathletes to someone getting off of their couch for the first time. Due to the wide range of ages and abilities we encourage everyone to modify and adapt the workouts to best fit their needs. We encourage them to push themselves to get through the workout but not at the expense of becoming injured.
Interviewer: What kind of exercise do they do and how long do they meet for?
Andrew: Our workouts are a mix of body weight exercises and cardio. Since we do not require any equipment we use the environment as our playground. Workouts last between 40-50 minutes long.

Interviewer: Please tell me what keeps you going.
Andrew: It’s fun. It’s engaging. It’s challenging. it’s stimulating. It’s hard. It’s rewarding. It’s therapy. It’s reassuring. The atmosphere. The hugs. The sweat. The drive. The community. The desire to improve.

Interviewer: Is there accountability within the group? What happens if you begin to lose motivation and stop showing up in the mornings?
Andrew: If anyone claims to be a morning person they are flat out lying to your face. Some mornings are easier than others but your natural instinct is to rest, recover and stay in bed. We hold each other accountable. We talk about just showing up: which could be considered a tagline for us (#justshowup). Through the use of social media we encourage people to lay down #verbals which creates

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