
Workingplace Incivility In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Workplace incivility is increasingly being recognized as a serious problem in society. Most of the time, incivility often makes the work environment a frightening, harmful, and unhealthy place. Furthermore, it has a negative effect on the micro level as well. This paper will define incivility, its impacts on the nursing field, and what can be done to promote a healthy work environment. Incivility is defined as a low-intensity behavior with an ambiguous intent to harm the target common examples include ignoring a coworker or making rude remarks (Matthews and Ritter, 2016). In addition, it can be defined as any hostilities, bullying, or intimidations that happen in a workplace environment. Furthermore, Clark (2013) defined incivility as any types of behaviors that demonstrate disrespect and promote conflict while increasing stress among individuals. Nowadays, many new nursing grads are dealing with bullying from the older nurses. Some of them keep quiet by fear of retaliation. Incivility has become a difficult situation in many workplaces, especially for new employees. That negativity can impact nursing in many ways and can also influence employees’ turnover and burnout. Blevins (2015) states, staff turnover not only impacts the clinical unit but also the organization's financial outlook. New staff must be hired and trained, resulting in increased costs. In addition, incivility can cause psychological distress (Bardakç and Günüşen, 2014). Not everyone deals with stress the

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