
e-Book to Enhance Pharmaceutical Learning

Decent Essays

4.1 e-Book to enhance pharmaceutical learning As illustrated in “Section 1 - Identify students weakness - Concepts”(Pg 12), the bar chart that compared all the questions has showed a decreased number of “Strongly Agree + Agree” and an increased number of “Strongly Disagree + Disagree” in question 3, question 5 and question 9 in comparison to other questions. These results from section 1 showed students expressed least understanding in the following areas : Q3, The concept of volume of distribution (VD) Q5, How the concepts of clearance, half-life and rate constants, volume and area under the curve integrate with each other. Q9. Applying pharmacokinetics data to alter drug regimens in patients Looking at the result for “Section 2 - Understanding parameters in Single Dosing Therapeutics”(Pg14) and “Section 3 - Understanding parameters in Multiple Dosing Therapeutics” (Pg18). The bar charts for each questions all shared a similar distribution. Single dosing therapeutics questions and answers were combined and compared together in “Section 2: Identify student weakness - Understanding parameters in Single Dosing Therapeutics” (Pg 15), the distribution of responses between those questions were very similar (e.g the number of “YES” responses for Q10 is very similar to the Q11). The same scenario also happened when multiple dosing therapeutics questions and answers were combined and compared together in “Section 3: Identify student weakness - Understanding parameters in

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