9th Edition
ISBN: 9781260540666
Author: Hayt
Publisher: MCG CUSTOM

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Chapter 16, Problem 35E

The two-port networks of Fig. 16.50 are connected in series. (a) Determine the impedance parameters for the series connection by first finding the z parameters of the individual networks. (b) If the two networks are instead connected in parallel, determine the admittance parameters of the combination by first finding the y parameters of the individual networks. (c) Verify your answer to part (b) by using Table 16.1 in conjunction with your answer to part (a).

Chapter 16, Problem 35E, The two-port networks of Fig. 16.50 are connected in series. (a) Determine the impedance parameters


Expert Solution
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To determine

The value of impedance parameters for the given condition.

Answer to Problem 35E

The value of total impedance when the two port networks are connected in series is [z]=[167.7333.8533.8595.34] Ω.

Explanation of Solution

Given data:

The given diagram is shown in Figure 1.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  1

The given diagram is shown in Figure 2.

 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  2


Determine the impedance parameter z1.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 3.

 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  3

The impedance parameters can be expressed as,

V1=z11I1+z12I2        (1)

V2=z21I1+z22I2        (2)

Substitute 0 for I2 in equation (1).

V1=z11I1+z12(0)V1=z11I1z11=V1I1        (3)

Substitute 0 for I1 in equation (1).

V1=z11(0)+z12I2V1=z12I2z12=V1I2        (4)

Substitute 0 for I2  in equation (2).

V2=z21I1+z22(0)V2=z21I1z21=V2I1        (5)

Substitute 0 for I1 in equation (2).

V2=z21(0)+z22I2V2=z22I2z22=V2I2        (6)

Apply KVL left loop of Figure 3.

V1+3I1+6(I1+I2)=0        (7)

Substitute 0 for I2 in equation (7).


Substitute 9  for V1I1 in equation (3).

z11=9 Ω

Substitute 0 for I1 in equation (7).


Substitute 6 for V1I2 in equation (4).

z12=6 Ω

Apply KVL at the right loop.

V2+2I2+6(I2+I1)=0        (8)

Substitute 0 for I2 in equation (8).


Substitute 6 for V2I1 in equation (5).

z21=6 Ω

Substitute 0 for I1 in equation (8).


Substitute 8 for V2I2 in equation (6).

z22=8 Ω

Hence the z parameters are written as,

z1=[9668] Ω

Convert the delta connected network to star connected network.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 4.

 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  4

The impedance Z1 calculated from the figure is given by,

Z1=(220)(470)220+470+100=103400790=130.886 Ω

The impedance Z2 calculated from the figure is given by,

Z2=(100)(470)220+470+100=47000790=59.4936 Ω

The impedance Z3 calculated from the figure is given by,

Z3=(100)(220)220+470+100=22000790=27.848 Ω

Redraw the star connected circuit.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 5.

 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  5

Apply KVL in the left loop.

V1+130.886I1+27.848(I1+I2)=0        (9)

Substitute 0 for I2 in equation (9).


Substitute 158.734  for V1I1 in equation (3).

z11=158.734 Ω

Substitute 0 for I1 in equation (9).


Substitute 27.848 for V1I2 in equation (4).

z12=27.848 Ω

Apply KVL at right loop of Figure 5.

V2+59.4936I2+27.848(I2+I1)=0        (10)

Substitute 0 for I2 in equation (10).


Substitute 27.484  for V2I1 in equation (5).

z21=27.848 Ω

Substitute 0 for I1 in equation (10).


Substitute 87.34  for V2I2 in equation (6).

z22=87.34 Ω

The z parameters for Figure 2 is,

z2=[158.73427.84827.84887.34] Ω

The overall impedance matrix when the two port networks are connected in series is,

[z]=[z1]+[z2]        (11)

Substitute [9668] Ω for [z1] and [158.73427.84827.84887.34] Ω for [z2] in equation (11).

[z]=[9668] Ω+[158.73427.84827.84887.34] Ω=[167.7333.8533.8595.34] Ω


Therefore, the value of total impedance when the two port networks are connected in series is [z]=[167.7333.8533.8595.34] Ω.


Expert Solution
Check Mark
To determine

The value of admittance parameters for the given condition.

Answer to Problem 35E

The value of total admittance when the two port networks are connected in parallel is [y]=[0.22890.1690.1690.2621] S.

Explanation of Solution


The standard equation for admittance parameters is given by,

I1=y11V1+y12V2        (12)

I2=y21V1+y22V2        (13)

Substitute 0 for V2 in equation (12).

I1=y11V1+y12(0)I1=y11V1y11=I1V1        (14)

Substitute 0 for V1 in equation (12).

I1=y11(0)+y12V2I1=y12V2y12=I1V2        (15)

Substitute 0 for V2 in equation (13).

I2=y21V1+y22(0)I2=y21V1y21=I2V1        (16)

Substitute 0 for V1 in equation (13).

I2=y21(0)+y22V2I2=y22V2y22=I2V2        (17)

Modify the given diagram for V2=0 V.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 6.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  6

The resistances 2 Ω and 6 Ω are in parallel.

The equivalent resistance is,

Req=(2 Ω)(6 Ω)(2+6) Ω=32 Ω

Further, the resistances 3 Ω and Req are in series.

The total equivalent resistance of the circuit is given by,

RT=3 Ω+Req

Substitute 32 Ω for Req in the above equation.

RT=3 Ω+32 Ω=92 Ω

The input voltage calculated from the circuit is written as,


Rearrange the above equation as,


Substitute 92 for RT in the above equation.


Substitute 29 for I1V1 in the above equation (14).

y11=29 S

Rearrange equation (7) as,

V1=3I1+6I1+6I2=9I1+6I2        (18)

Apply current division rule in Figure 6.


Substitute (43)I2 for I1 in equation (18).


Substitute 16 for I2V1 in the above equation (16).

y21=16 S

Modify the given diagram for V1=0 V.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 7.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  7

Rearrange equation (8).

V2=2I2+6I2+6I1=6I1+8I2        (19)

Apply current division rule in the circuit of Figure 7.


Substitute (32)I1 for I2 in equation (19).


Substitute 16 for I1V2 in the above equation (15).

y12=16 S

The resistances 3 Ω and 6 Ω are in parallel in Figure 7.

The equivalent resistance is,

Req=(3 Ω)(6 Ω)(3+6) Ω=189 Ω=2 Ω

Further, the resistances 2 Ω and Req are in series.

The total equivalent resistance of the circuit is given by,

RT=2 Ω+Req

Substitute 2 Ω for Req in the above equation.

RT=2 Ω+2 Ω=4 Ω

The input voltage of Figure 7 can be expressed as,


Rearrange the above equation as,


Substitute 4 for RT in the above equation.


Substitute 14 for I2V2 in the above equation (17).

y22=14 S

The y parameters for Figure 1 is,

y1=[29161614] S

Redraw the Figure 2 and show the input voltage V1 and the output voltage V2.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 8.

ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  8

Redraw the above figure for V2=0 V.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 9.

 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  9

The 100 Ω resistor is short circuited.

Therefore, 220 Ω resistor and 470 Ω resistor are in parallel connection.

The equivalent resistance of the above circuit is,

Req=(220)(470)220+470=103400690=149.855 Ω

The input voltage of Figure 9 can be expressed as,


Rearrange the above equation as,


Substitute 149.855 for Req in the above equation.

I1V1=1149.855=6.67×103 S

Substitute 6.67×103 S for I1V1 in the above equation (14).

y11=6.67×103 S

The voltage across 470 Ω resistor is V1.

Therefore, the current through 470 Ω resistor is,

I2= V1470

Rearrange the above equation as,

I2V1=1470=2.127×103 S

Substitute 2.127×103 S for I2V1 in the above equation (1).

y21=2.127×103 S

Redraw the above figure for V1=0 V.

The required diagram is shown in Figure 10.

 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT...(LL)>CUSTOM PKG.<, Chapter 16, Problem 35E , additional homework tip  10

The 220 Ω resistor of Figure 10 is short circuited.

The voltage across 470 Ω resistor is V2.

Therefore, the current through 470 Ω resistor is,

I1= V2470

Rearrange the above equation as,

I1V2=1470=2.127×103 S

Substitute 2.127×103 S for I1V2 in the above equation (15).

y12=2.127×103 S

The 100 Ω resistor and 470 Ω resistor are in parallel connection.

The equivalent resistance of the above circuit is,

Req=(100)(470)100+470=47000570=82.456 Ω

The input voltage of Figure 10 can be expressed as,


Rearrange the above equation as,


Substitute 82.456 for Req in the above equation.


Substitute 12.13×103 S for I2V2 in the equation (17).

y22=12.13×103 S

The y parameters for Figure 2 is,

y2=[6.67×1032.13×1032.13×10312.13×103] S

The overall admittance matrix when the two port networks are connected in parallel is,

[y]=[y1]+[y2]        (20)

Substitute [29161614] S for [y1] and [6.67×1032.13×1032.13×10312.13×103] S for [y2] in equation (20).

[y]=[29161614] S+[6.67×1032.13×1032.13×10312.13×103] S=[0.22890.1690.1690.2621] S


Therefore, the value of total admittance when the two port networks are connected in parallel is [y]=[0.22890.1690.1690.2621] S.


Expert Solution
Check Mark
To determine

The value of y1 matrix and y2 matrix after conversion.

Explanation of Solution


The determinant of z1 matrix is,

Δz1=|9668| Ω=((9)(8) Ω (6)(6) Ω)=(72 Ω36 Ω)=36 Ω2

The matrix for y parameters in terms of z parameters is,

y=[z22Δz1z12Δz1z21Δz1z11Δz1]        (21)

Substitute 9 Ω for z11, 6 Ω for z12, 6 Ω for z21, 8 Ω for z22 and 36 Ω2 for Δz1 in equation (21).

y=[8 Ω36 Ω26 Ω36 Ω26 Ω36 Ω29 Ω36 Ω2]=[29161614] S

The determinant of z2 matrix is,

Δz2=|158.73427.84827.84887.34| Ω=((158.734)(87.34) Ω (27.848)(27.848) Ω)=13088.316 Ω2

Substitute 158.734 Ω for z11, 27.848 Ω for z12, 27.848 Ω for z21, 87.34 Ω for z22 and 13088.316 Ω2 for Δz2 in equation (21).

y=[87.34 Ω13088.316 Ω227.848 Ω13088.316 Ω227.848 Ω13088.316 Ω2158.734 Ω13088.316 Ω2]=[6.67×1032.13×1032.13×10312.13×103] S


Therefore, the value of y1 matrix and y2 matrix after conversion is same.

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