Discrete Mathematics - Student Solutions Manual - Dossey - Paperback - 5th Edition - by Dossey, SPENCE, OTTO, Eynden - ISBN 9780321305176

Discrete Mathematics - Student Solution...
5th Edition
Dossey, SPENCE, OTTO, Eynden
Publisher: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9780321305176

Solutions for Discrete Mathematics - Student Solutions Manual - Dossey - Paperback

Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 2.5 - Mathematical InductionChapter 2.6 - ApplicationsChapter 3 - Coding TheoryChapter 3.1 - CongruenceChapter 3.2 - The Euclidean AlgorithmChapter 3.3 - The Rsa MethodChapter 3.4 - Error-detecting And Error-correcting CodesChapter 3.5 - Matrix CodesChapter 3.6 - Matrix Codes That Correct All Single-digit ErrorsChapter 4 - GraphsChapter 4.1 - Graphs And Their RepresentationChapter 4.2 - Paths And CircuitsChapter 4.3 - Shortest Paths And DistanceChapter 4.4 - Coloring A GraphChapter 4.5 - Directed Graphs And MultigraphsChapter 5 - TreesChapter 5.1 - Properties Of TreesChapter 5.2 - Spanning TreesChapter 5.3 - Depth-first SearchChapter 5.4 - Rooted TreesChapter 5.5 - Binary Trees And TraversalsChapter 5.6 - Optimal Binary Trees And Binary Search TreesChapter 6 - MatchingChapter 6.1 - Systems Of Distinct RepresentativesChapter 6.2 - Matching In GraphsChapter 6.3 - A Matching AlgorithmChapter 6.4 - Applications Of The AlgorithmChapter 6.5 - The Hungarian MethodChapter 7 - Network FlowsChapter 7.1 - Flows And CutsChapter 7.2 - A Flow Augmentation AlgorithmChapter 7.3 - The Max-flow Min-cut TheoremChapter 7.4 - Flows And MatchingsChapter 8 - Counting TechniquesChapter 8.1 - Pascal's Triangle And The Binomial TheoremChapter 8.2 - Three Fundamental PrinciplesChapter 8.3 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 8.4 - Arrangements And Selections With RepetitionsChapter 8.5 - ProbabilityChapter 8.6 - The Principle Of Inclusion-exclusionChapter 8.7 - Generating Permutations And R-combinationsChapter 9 - Recurrence Relations And Generating FunctionsChapter 9.1 - Recurrence RelationsChapter 9.2 - The Method Of IterationChapter 9.3 - Linear Difference Equations With Constant CoefficientsChapter 9.4 - Analyzing The Efficiency Of Algorithms With Recurrence RelationsChapter 9.5 - Counting With Generating FunctionsChapter 9.6 - The Algebra Of Generating FunctionsChapter 10 - Combinatorial Circuits And Finite State MachinesChapter 10.1 - Logical GatesChapter 10.2 - Creating Combinatorial CircuitsChapter 10.3 - Karnaugh MapsChapter 10.4 - Finite State MachinesChapter A - An Introduction To Logic And ProofChapter A.1 - Statements And ConnectivesChapter A.2 - Logical EquivalenceChapter A.3 - Methods Of ProofsChapter B - Matrices

Book Details

This product accompanies:

  • Discrete Mathematics, 5/E-ISBN: 0321305159

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Discrete Mathematics
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780134689562
Instructors Solutions Manual To Discrete Mathematics 3e
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780673977953

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