Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction - 2nd Edition - by Paul Robbins, John Hintz, Sarah A. Moore - ISBN 9781118451564

Environment and Society: A Critical Int...
2nd Edition
Paul Robbins, John Hintz, Sarah A. Moore
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 9781118451564

Solutions for Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction

Book Details

Substantially updated for the second edition, this engaging and innovative introduction to the environment and society uses key theoretical approaches to explore familiar objects.Features substantial revisions and updates for the second edition, including new chapters on E waste, mosquitoes and uranium, improved maps and graphics, new exercises, shorter theory chapters, and refocused sections on environmental solutionsDiscusses topics such as population and scarcity, commodities, environmental ethics, risks and hazards, and political economy and applies them to objects like bottled water, tuna, and treesAccessible for students, and accompanied by in-book and online resources including exercises and boxed discussions, an online test bank, notes, suggested reading, and website links for enhanced understandingOffers additional online support for instructors, including suggested teaching models, PowerPoint slides for each chapter with full-color graphics, and supplementary images and teaching material

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