Pathophysiology For The Health Professions - E- Book - 6th Edition - by Karin C. VanMeter, Robert J Hubert - ISBN 9780323414340

Pathophysiology For The Health Professi...
6th Edition
Karin C. VanMeter, Robert J Hubert
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 9780323414340

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The terms that describe abnormalities in the blood are given below: 1. Anemia: Anemia is a condition...Iron-deficiency anemia: Pathophysiology: Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common type of...The lymphatic system is an essential part of the immune system that constitutes the lymphatic...Diagnostic tests are an approach to collect clinical information for making a diagnosis. The...The structure of the pulmonary system includes two different tracts, namely the upper respiratory...Tumor is a space occupying lesion that causes intracranial pressure. The tumor may displace the...The sensory receptors are the structure that reacts to the physical stimulus in the environment. It...Endocrine cells or neurosecretory cells secrete hormones into the extracellular fluids that are...Vomiting is a common indicator of digestive or gastrointestinal disorders and also considered as a...Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary bladder. Pyelonephritis is an infection in one or both of...The causes of infertility are following below: The problem in males may be due to change in sperm or...The differences between benign tumor and malignant tumor are as given below: CharacteristicsBenign...Definitions: Genetic disorders: If there is a mutation in a gene or genes, it changes the...Fertilization The gametogenesis occurs in males and females. Males produce sperms and females...Obesity refers to excess amount of body fat. Obesity is determined by body mass index. Body mass...The body cells, tissues, and organs are affected by the aging changes and these changes have an...When a person is inactive for long time, there will be a lack of muscular activity. Inactive muscle...Stress is a generalized or systemic response to a stressor either internal or external. This...The predisposing factors to drug abuse focuses mainly on personality defects, psychological...The sources of hazardous materials may be chemicals, physical agents, and biological agents. The...

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Pathophysiology for the Health Professions
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6th Edition
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18th Edition
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Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 6e
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Study Guide for Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions
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7th Edition
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7th Edition
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7th Edition
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Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 5e
5th Edition
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5th Edition
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