Fabian Rolon Capstone Paper My personal experience with the Capstone course taught me a lot of different subjects and how to use different tools from the computer. I didn't knew a “capstone class” actually existed and to know what one had to do seemed scary at first since my work experience was not that advanced. It was because of Research Techniques and the teachers help on teaching me how to make the capstone paper and capstone presentation. Because of my late transition from Puerto Rico after
My main takeaway from the capstone experience is to have compassion for the disfranchised population rather it is the single mothers or the homeless population etc. Additionally, it is important to behave ethically, practice inclusiveness and with integrity. The clients need to be able to trust that you are genuine in your intention to help them and they must feel understood. What I found difficult with the capstone was searching for resources that were valid. Some of the resources had phone numbers
Capstone class is the final process for graduation. The workload was intense, but it was a learning experience. Working under a short time frame was rewarding, challenging, and manageable. This has shown me that I can complete an assignment under pressure and in a short time frame. The topic that my group presented on was informative where knowledge can be used for future references. The first and second week everyone on the team was participating and helping each other out. However, that started
The Student Guide to the MSA Capstone Project Part 1: The Research Proposal and the Research Project Central Michigan University August 2012 Contents What is the MSA 699 Project? ........................................................................................................ 4 Overview of the MSA 699 Project................................................................................................... 5 Plagiarism and Ethics ..........................................
Table of Contents Executive summary 3 Effects of a leveraged recapitalization 4 EPS 4 Financial Distress and Flexibility 4 Value to shareholders 6 Signalling effects 6 Conclusion and Recommendations 7 References 8 Appendix 9 (Appendix A) 9 Interest Coverage Ratio Calculations (Appendix B) 9 Optimal Capital Structure (Appendix B-2) 9 WACC 9 Exhibit 2.Earnings and per share amounts 10 Exhibit 6. Key industrial financial ratios 11 Exhibit 7. Capital market conditions 12 Executive
studied, what was already presumed about this topic, if there are personal experience associated with this topic that might create obstacles, if this topic benefited the field of education, and if this topic sustained a prolonged focus to complete the Capstone project. Reason Why the Topic Wanted to be Studied The reason why the topic of engaging dental hygiene students with the use of technology that supported active learning wanted to be studied was to see if technology engaged dental hygiene students
PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE CAPSTONE PROJECT HANDBOOK Table of Contents Section I General Information Capstone Project Mentor Responsibilities Sample of Capstone Mentor Agreement Capstone Project Journal Format Preparation and Guidelines for the Capstone Project Proposal APA Format for Citations & References Guidelines for Funding Capstone Projects Guidelines for Capstone Project Written Report Suggestions for Oral Presentations Format for Mini-Abstracts 2-6 7-8 9 10 11 - 16 17 - 21 22 – 23 24 - 29 30 -
Technology (BSIT) program prepares students to be IT professionals, be well versed on application installation, operation, development, maintenance and administration, and familiar with hardware installation, operation, and maintenance. (CMO 53 s. 2006) Capstone project is required for the BSIT program. It should be in the form of a systems application or an enterprise resource plan (CMO 53 s. 2006). The skills, methods and theories learned by the students in their stay in the BSIT program are applied in
and tie it all together into one piece, called the capstone. The capstone was a challenge that I had to overcome as a student and as an individual. There were days when I was stressed out and others where I felt confident. The constant roller coaster of emotions made this final project unforgettable. In fact, there were countless hours of research and revising paragraph after paragraph, until it was as close to perfect as I could get it. This capstone project has helped me work on my weaknesses and
for me to prepare my capstone and deliver it to a room full of people. It only began to set in when we I was sitting in my section of capstone proposal writing class last spring that this was actually happening. Now that I am sitting here writing the essay to my final report, I am overwhelmed that I am just days and weeks away from graduating. This is a bittersweet end to such an incredible time throughout my experience here and specifically during the preparation of my capstone. Through these experiences