Critical Thinking in Everyday Life
How important is being a critical thinker? You may not know it yet, but critical thinking
plays a part in our daily lives. The choices we make, the way we react to certain things and many
more. Critical thinking requires logic, reasoning skills, reflection, and evaluation of information
to create a conclusion. These are all things most of us tend to do without even thinking about it.
Elements of Critical Thinking
The issue presented to Sally in her scenario was a customer that was simply unsatisfied
with the companies’ warranty for the printers. Sally was faced with barriers such as ignorance
from her manager and struggling with an overwhelming job. Sally was able to recognize and
evaluate the customers’ issues by effectively communicating. She was able to get the warrant
changed by her use of critical thinking.
Reason, Emotion, and Communication
Emotion has a huge impact on the decisions we choose to make. In the scenario, Sally
made her choice to help the customer once she put herself in his shoes. This allowed her to
become more understanding of the customer, which helped push her to question the company’s
policy and investigate it on her own. We can also conclude that Sally is a critical thinker because
of her response to her friends when she did not agree with them. When Sally was dealing with
the customer, he used expressive language to communicate with her. When dealing with her
friends, Sally used passive aggressive communicators by not expressing herself honestly and just