


University Of Georgia *

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May 8, 2024





Uploaded by HighnessGoldfinch2521

BIOL 1107L Gel Interpretation 1) You have to identify two unknown plasmids using Restriction Digest analysis. You miss lab when your group performs gel electrophoresis of your digests of plasmids 1 and 2 using different combinations of the enzymes Eco RI, Bam HI, and Hind III. They send you a picture of the gel showing their results (above), but they forget to tell you which lane corresponds to which digest. All you know is that lanes 1 and 10 are the molecular weight markers (DNA Ladder) with bands at 8000, 5000, 3000,1000, 500, and 100 base pairs (bp). Use the information from the gel and restriction digest maps to answer the questions below. (1 pt each) a. Which lane would represent the products of a digest of Plasmid 1 with EcoRI? Lane 3 or Lane 6 b. Which lane would represent the products of a digest of Plasmid 2 with Bam HI and EcoRI? Lane 4 and 9 c. Identify which plasmid was cut with Bam HI and resulted in Lane 5. Plasmid 1 MWM 8,000 bp 5,000 bp 3,000 bp 1,000 bp 500 bp 100 bp MWM 8,000 bp 5,000 bp 3,000 bp 1,000 bp 500 bp 100 bp
BIOL 1107L Gel Interpretation 2) Would you categorize gel electrophoresis as a qualitative or quantitative analysis? Explain your reasoning. (2 pts) Gel electrophoresis is both quantitative and qualitative. It is quantitative because you can identify the number of base pairs. It is qualitative because it can be measured with images based on the weight of the fragment. 3) Before analyzing the gel results you need to evaluate the success of your PCR, RE, and gel electrophoresis. (2 pts) Briefly explain if your gel electrophoresis ran properly or not and how you came to your conclusion. Our gel electrophoresis ran properly because the bands moved from the negative end to the positive end. Explain how will you know if your PCR was successful or not. We will know that our PCR was successful because there should only be one fragment in the lane with the uncut PCR. Explain how you can determine if your RE digest was successful or not. If our RE digest was successful, our gel electrophoresis will show more than one band on the lane with EcoRI and Hind III. 4) Using the information in the table of fragments calculated from the Restriction Enzymes Product, analyze the results of the gel electrophoresis. Based on your sample, determine which primer set corresponds to your letter code. Label of Unknown Primer Set: U G A Record all the bands observed for your sample wells of the gel results: Based on the results of bands observed, what do you think is the unknown primer set? (1 pt) Identity of Unknown Primer Set: 1 2 3 Explain the rationale for your selection. (2 pts) Our gel electrophoresis produced fragments with numbers of base pairs most like those observed for Primer Set #3. For example, for the lane (lane 5) with Hind III digest one fragment was approximately 500 bp. Another fragment was about 1500 bp and the last fragment was about 2500 bp. These numbers are very similar to the number of base pairs associated with the Hind digest of primer set #3. Sample Name Lane # Band(s) Observed and Length in Base Pairs Control (uncut PCR product) 3 1 band and 4500bp EcoRI Digest 4 2 bands and 5000bp and 800bp HindIII Digest 5 3 bands and 500 bp and 1500bp and 2500bp
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