Copy of Project 4_ Sound Waves - Lab Report -1



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May 8, 2024





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If you need help with any of the sections on this lab report, please refer to the Project Resources Document . If you do not have the materials to complete this experiment, please contact your instructor. Project 4: Waves Lab Report Name: yousif al obaidi EXPERIMENTAL QUESTION: How does changing the frequency of a wave affect its speed? HYPOTHESIS – 10 pts Think back to your hypothesis from the pre-lab quiz. Restate your hypothesis here and be sure to read feedback that may have been left from your instructor. Remember to use an “If …… , then …… .” statement. Remember: You can get the hypothesis from the “Pre-Lab Quiz”. The wave will accelerate if we change its frequency to a higher one and will slow down if we change its frequency to a lower one. MATERIALS – 5 pts List the materials used in your experiment . strings ruler beads attached to the string
PROCEDURE – 5 pts Make a numbered, step by step list of short instructions describing how the experiment was performed. The procedure should have enough detail so that another person could follow and repeat the experiment. 1. Adjust the wave's "Frequency" to 1.00 Hz. In your lab report, note this frequency in the data table. 2. To halt the waves, press the "Pause" button. 3. Use the ruler to find one wave's wavelength. To obtain precise measurements, modify the waves using the "Slow Motion" feature and/or the button. 4. Enter the measured wavelength in your lab report's data table. 5.Repeat the first four steps using the subsequent frequencies: 1.50 Hz, 2 Hz, 2 Hz, 2 Hz, 3 Hz. 6. Use the formula wave speed = frequency x wavelength to determine each wave's speed. RESULTS: 20 pts Please record your data in the table provided. You can edit this table, if you need to, but you must include all of your raw data from the experiment. (Be sure to include units !). Finally, add observations below the data table. wave speed = frequency x wavelength Data Table: Wavelengths, Frequencies, and Wave Speeds - 10 pts Trial Frequency (Hz) Wavelength (cm) Wave Speed (cm/s) 1 1.00 6.5 6.5 2 1.50 4.25 6.37 3 2.00 3 6 4 2.50 2.5 6.25 5 3.00 2 6 Observations - 10 pts As we increase the frequency the wave speed gets smaller and smaller, except for 3 and 5 for some reason those are the same speed.
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