SNHU 107 Module Three Activity Template
Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses and submit for
grading and feedback.
Part 1
Identify the SNHU resources that will help you most in effectively managing your time. (Add bullet
points if needed.)
The due date calendar will be the most effective in helping me manage my time. It will allow me
to keep track of what is due on what days so I will be able to plan my schedule accordingly
Identify the social supports that will help you most in effectively managing your time. (Add bullet
points if needed.)
My husband is my biggest supporter. Especially when doing homework, he gives me reminders
of when it’s time for me to take a break or start back on schoolwork.
Identify the motivational factors that will help you persevere through the challenges of time
management. (Add bullet points if needed.)
Setting rewards like longer Xbox breaks and my husband treating me to something special, are a
few of my biggest motivational factors when attempting to finish schoolwork on time.
Part 2
Explain how you will take ownership of your future academic success by managing your time with
SNHU resources, social supports, and motivational factors.
By using these supports and resources, I will be able to set realistic goals and time limits for myself when
completing schoolwork. The calendar will allow me to set a visual schedule for the week, while my
husband will help me set rewards for myself and help facilitate them such as the Xbox breaks.