sales data



Florida International University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by UltraElement2982

Sofi Khurtsidze After a thorough analysis of the menu and sales data, it is evident that two dishes, Pico de Gallo and chicken ravioli, have emerged as highly sought-after items. These dishes can be classified as stars due to their significant popularity among customers. The data demonstrates that these specific dishes consistently drive sales and draw in a large customer base. I propose introducing chicken ravioli in two enticing variations: a succulent chicken option and a delightful vegetarian alternative featuring spinach and ricotta cheese. In addition to adding chicken ravioli to the menu in different variations, it is also recommended to explore potential marketing strategies to further promote these star dishes. This could include incorporating them into promotional deals or highlighting them as signature offerings. By capitalizing on the popularity of these dishes, Bistro can enhance customer satisfaction and ultimately drive increased profits. On the other hand, the analysis indicates that flan and ginger tree mojito are not performing well in terms of sales and customer appeal. These items are not favored by customers compared to other options on the menu. Therefore, it is advisable to remove these dishes from the menu and introduce new alternatives. One suggestion is to replace them with a refreshing virgin mojito mocktail that is infused with tangy lime, sweet sugar, and fresh mint. This new drink option could greatly improve the overall dining experience for customers. Additionally, incorporating a delectable passion fruit mousse as a dessert choice may also yield positive results. By making these changes, the restaurant can attract more customers and increase sales. Menu Item Number Sold Sell Price Cost Margin Total sales Total Contribution Category Pico de Gallo 126 10.00 $ 1.79 $ 8.21 $ 1,260.00 $ 1,034.46 $ Star Chicken Ravioli 100 10.00 $ 1.37 $ 8.63 $ 1,000.00 $ 863.00 $ Star flan 16 10.00 $ 6.21 $ 3.79 $ 160.00 $ 60.64 $ Dog Ginger Tree Mojito 16 10.00 $ 0.47 $ 9.53 $ 160.00 $ 152.48 $ Dog Totals 258 40 9.84 30.16 2580 2110.58 Averages 65 10 2.46 7.54 645 527.645
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