
Carnival Cruise Lines Case Analysis Essay

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Carnival Cruise Lines is the largest cruise company in North America and carries more than 60,000 passengers a week. The Carnival experience is the standard against what past cruisers judge their later cruise experiences. Carnival has captured the "fun" psychographic and has a strong reputation for an enjoyable, relaxed cruise. Furthermore, Carnival has a strong market expansion strategy for selling the mass-market cruise category and first-time cruisers. They have a clear vision and knowledge about the industry and a commitment to their brand essence, which is fun. Also, as an extension to their branding of the "fun" ships they are the low-price leaders. Because of their strong brand image they are able to achieve double-digit growth in …show more content…

First, they need to build out their IT team. Currently, they only have one employee focusing on data analysis. If the historical data they have isn't accurate then the CRM software is useless. So they first need to get through the two years worth or data they have and verify its accuracy. They also need to make sure that the data they collect in the future is reliable accurate information. In the past there were not any checks and balances on data accuracy. They need to have a system that can gather the information automatically so that the risk of human error is eliminated or at least reduced. Secondly, they need to take a look at the current systems they are using and make sure they can integrate everything into CRM. Some of the applications they use are custom developed so it may take some work on those systems in order to make them integrate with CRM. Implementing CRM is a very large project that can take many years to fully integrate. Since IT isn't Carnival's core competence they need to bring in a consultant so they can look into Carnival's current IS infrastructure and make recommendations as to what Carnival can do to prepare for CRM. One thing they will definitely have to develop is a test environment. As they implement CRM across their current applications, they need to be able to work out the problems in a test environment before pushing it through to production. Lastly, until

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