
Chromatography Lab Repot

Decent Essays

Design and carry out a scientific investigation on any one factor that affects retention on paper chromatography
Design and carry out a scientific investigation on any one factor that affects retention on paper chromatography

Name: Sri Danielle
Class: 9A
Teacher: Sir Ajay
Name: Sri Danielle
Class: 9A
Teacher: Sir Ajay

My aim for this experiment is to find out how different types of solvent will affect the retention factor in paper chromatography.

I think that there will be a high RF value in paper chromatography, if we use water solvent because a solvent that has a strong interaction with a chemical will easily over come attraction from the chemical for the …show more content…

Do this for each paper.
Step 13- Measure the RF value by dividing “distance travelled by component” with “distance travelled by solvent
Step 14- Record the measurement then tabulate the data.


Solvent | Distance travelled by component | Distance travelled by solvent | RF Value | Tap Water | 5.8 | 6.4 | 0.90 | Distilled water | 7.0 | 7.2 | 0.97 | Acetone | 4.7 | 5.5 | 0.85 | Ethanol | 3.1 | 6.1 | 0.50 |



In this experiment, I put two drops on each paper; I also used Tap water and Distilled water to get a more reliable result for the solvent. This helped me get me more accurate result.

It was hard to get the RF value as I did not get he exact distances (distance travelled by component and solvent) as I got confused on how to take the reading properly. If I do this experiment again, I will surely ask a teacher on how to do so and to get a better and more accurate result.


According to the results of the experiment, my

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