
College Student Sleep Essay

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1) Introduce the topic broadly - Convey the notion that sleep is an essential part of keeping a college student healthy and sometimes getting enough sleep can be a struggle when a student is under so much pressure to do well academically. - Studies have shown that a significant change in both the quantity and quality of sleep amongst college students has occurred (The sleep duration and sleep satisfaction of college students: striking changes over the last decade). - One study specifically noted that from 1978 to 1988, the mean sleep duration amongst college students had been reduced by about thirty minutes per night (The sleep duration and sleep satisfaction of college students: striking changes over the last decade). - College students that …show more content…

- We then began thinking more specifically by looking at how much sleep on average freshmen, sophomore, junior and seniors get per night - Determining how much sleep on average freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior get per night impacts society by showing that college students are expressing overwhelming stress that ends up affecting their overall health Last Paragraph: 1) Lead into what the rest of the paper talks about - Try to see if as a student goes up in grade level, their average hours of sleep per night decreases - We will then collect this data by handing out surveys that ask how much sleep they get and any factors that may contribute to the amount of sleep they

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