1) Introduce the topic broadly - Convey the notion that sleep is an essential part of keeping a college student healthy and sometimes getting enough sleep can be a struggle when a student is under so much pressure to do well academically. - Studies have shown that a significant change in both the quantity and quality of sleep amongst college students has occurred (The sleep duration and sleep satisfaction of college students: striking changes over the last decade). - One study specifically noted that from 1978 to 1988, the mean sleep duration amongst college students had been reduced by about thirty minutes per night (The sleep duration and sleep satisfaction of college students: striking changes over the last decade). - College students that …show more content…
- We then began thinking more specifically by looking at how much sleep on average freshmen, sophomore, junior and seniors get per night - Determining how much sleep on average freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior get per night impacts society by showing that college students are expressing overwhelming stress that ends up affecting their overall health Last Paragraph: 1) Lead into what the rest of the paper talks about - Try to see if as a student goes up in grade level, their average hours of sleep per night decreases - We will then collect this data by handing out surveys that ask how much sleep they get and any factors that may contribute to the amount of sleep they
Students need a good amount of sleep to be able to focus and get through the school day. Students ability to function during school is impacted by the quantity, regularity, and quality if their sleep (Wolfson 1). The quality of sleep is not only important for the students but it is also important for the teachers. The quality of sleep affects the way students and teachers act throughout the day. Daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality on school days in students and teachers may comprise school and work performance (De Souza 5). Since students and teachers stay up so late at night, they tend to be very tired during the day. It is important to get sleep but it is more important to get a good sleep. There is not really a point in sleeping or trying to get sleep when it is not a good sleep because no matter what students will be tired during the day. While the quality of sleep is important, so is the amount of sleep a student or teacher is getting on school nights.
Sleep coincides with a college student because the amount of sleep one gets should determine how one functions throughout the day and most importantly how well a person does in school. The more sleep that a person gets at night should make a person more energized causing them to perform better in sports, at work and in school. If a person is going off of only a small amount of sleep, they should do poorly in a school and work setting and in any other activities that they are involved in.
Unfortunately, many students face the struggle of staying awake in classes and being able to concentrate on what is being taught. The reason for this is many teens are not getting enough sleep at night. The amount of sleep an average individual should be getting each
To conclude, we can see how not only does more sleep make us prepared and more focused for the school day, but how it also affects our positive sleeping patterns, our ability to learn, and the amount of stress that our bodies receive. We see how many liable resources were used to conclude that sleep truly is one of the most important factors in a student's everyday life and supports the idea that school should begin later for the most positive results. Starting school later will truly minimize bad sleep patterns and habits, increase the amount of learning and lastly, put less stress on our minds and
Sleep deprivation is a serious concern among college students, who are "among the most sleep-deprived age group in the United States," (Central Michigan University, 2008). It is important to study the causes of sleep deprivation, or sleep disorders, among college students. According to Park (2009), "dozens of studies have linked an increase in nightly sleep to better cognition and alertness." A study by Central Michigan University (2008) found that sleep deprivation can lead to poor academic performance, impaired driving, depression, and behavioral problems. There are several variables that may affect sleeping patterns among college students. One is genetics or biological issues. It is highly
Many college students seem to suffer from sleep debt due to the fact they have a busy schedule, have to manage stress, and also try to live a healthy lifestyle. I think it is so common amongst college students since many students, including myself, struggle with time management. Struggling with time management usually results in students procrastinating and leaving school work to do very late, which results in students not getting a good night’s rest. Another reason as to why students have sleep debt is due to the fact that our generation loves to stimulate the brain with multiple and constant sensory inputs, such as listening to music, texting, watching TV, or playing video games. These engaging activities can exhaust your brain and impede
Specific Purpose: Sleep and college students usually don’t tend to get along very well. Sleep and college life often bump heads due to stress, coursework and social activities. This speech will give the students useful information about dangers of not getting enough sleep and also hints on how to get a better nights sleep.
Students in high school struggle with sleep so seriously that medical professionals call it an epidemic, with 87% of students getting less than the recommended amount of sleep (Richter). It’s difficult to balance sports and extracurriculars with school and homework, and, come junior and senior year, college applications and jobs as well. All these activities in students’ lives leave them little time for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately for them, sleep is actually crucial, as it has not only been shown to improve GPA, but also help students with memorizing information (Hershner). Not to mention that most high schools start classes early in the morning, with 29.9% of schools starting before 7:30 am, according to a 2012 survey (CDC). According
Research indicates that America’s sleep problems have increased and might be the number one health problem. The average amount of sleep that people get per night can range anywhere from three to twelve hours. According to Dr. David Dinges at the University of Pennsylvania, it is a fact that people who get fewer than six hours of sleep a night do not live as long as people who get seven hours or more. Most people do not realize the importance of sleep or even realize that it is needed to survive. Many people experience sleep deprivation; however it is commonly seen in college students. Irregular sleeping patterns tend to occur in students, which can later lead to long-term effects.
Thesis Statement: When the projects, exams, and extra-curricular activities start to pile up on one another it seems as though there is not enough time in the day. This is when college students tend to lose precious hours of sleep and the consequences can be costly.
Weaver from Oklahoma State University. According to the authors “the purpose of the present study was to determine if sleep deprivation and/or poor sleep quality in a sample of non-depressed university students was associated with lower academic performance” (Gilbert, Cameron. 295). The study was also made to determine the relationship between sleep deprivation, sleep quality, and academic performance (Gilbert, Cameron. 298). It was hypothesized that by the end of the study, participants who had higher levels of sleep deprivation and poorer sleep quality would have lower academic performance (as indicated by grade point average [GPA] and course incompletions—drops, withdrawals, and incompletes) than participants with little sleep deprivation and good sleep quality (Gilbert, Cameron. 298). By the end of the study, the authors discussed the results in the following narration:
The article’s main objective was to examine the prevalence of danger for sleeping disorders among the students who are in college and also their effects on the grade points average (Jane, 2010, pg 91). Their age and gender was also considered in the analysis. According to Jane (2010, p. 92), the survey was conducted on 1845 college students at large from a southeastern public university. The methodology used was the validation of the sleep disorder questionnaire that surveyed the sleep data for the 2007-2008 academic year in the university. The students’ grade points average were also obtained from the registrar’s office and matched against the students’ questionnaire details and then analysis was done. The students faced several sleep problems which could have an impact on their performance, mood, and health. The most common
Are you tired and having trouble paying attention in class? Focusing on tasks at hand? Or just completely being overall unproductive? The average college student is deprived at least two full hours asleep each night according to “College Tidbits” a website designed to promote healthy lifestyles and productivity in daily college life. These results were pooled from multiple surveys done over hundreds of campuses throughout the United States. Today, I hope to persuade you to fight the statistics and get those extra two hours of sleep. Do what it takes to get the full seven to nine hours that is suggested by the Mayo Clinic. I will discuss two problems. Why college students are not
Reason to Listen: University students often rely on delaying sleep for academic pursuits without knowing that the instant gratification of completed assignments and exam preparations pales in comparison to the effects on the body. Students should listen to increase awareness on the impacts of sleep deprivation and moderate sleep patterns.
“Teens who receive A’s averaged about fifteen more minutes sleep than the B students, who in turn averaged fifteen more minutes than the C’s, and so on” (Bronson & Merryman, 2009, p. 33).