
Critically Analyze Mr. Vincent's Reasoning

Decent Essays

Mr. Vincent the manager of a large supermarket was taking a management course in the evening program at the local collage. The professor had given an interesting but
Mr. Vincent the manager of a large supermarket was taking a management course in the evening program at the local collage. The professor had given an interesting but disturbing lecture the pervious night on the various approaches to management. Vincent had always thought that management involved just planning, organizing and controlling. Now this professor was saying that management could also be thought of quantitative models, systems theory and analysis, and even something called contingency relationship. Vincent had always considered himself a good manager, and …show more content…

Victor D’Cuhna realized that the administrative office was heading for trouble. He knew that his task would not be easy and that he had been selected because of his experience, background and abilities. He also realized that certain functional aspects of the administrative office were not clearly understood by various functionaries, and system and procedures were blindly and randomly followed. Feedback was random, scanty and controversial, and data processing cell had to verify every item of feedback.. Delays were inevitable. D’Cuhna sought the permission of senior management to conduct a seminar on communication and feedback of which he was an expert. The permission was grudgingly given by the senior management. Everyone appreciated the seminar. Following the first seminar, D’Cuhna conducted a one week training course for the clerical cadre, especially for the junior, freshly recruited clerks. Amongst other topics, D’Cuhna laid emphasis on filing system, information tracking, communication, and feedback. This helped reorient attitudes to some extent. But the female clerks preferred to ignore the theme and widely circulated the belief that D’Cuhna was an upstart and a show off. Within a short time, considerable friction had been generated in the administrative office while directly recruited officers supported

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