Since+ the global economy embraced customer service, issues regarding levels of customer service have become more prominent in service organisations. Even now there are organisational managers with no training or knowledge of how organisations in the service sector require a high level of customer service. This is ignorance of the fact good customer service can create a competitive advantage; increase profit; efficiency; and increase staff and customer retention and satisfaction. Based on comprehensive reading and research, this essay looks at examples of three service organisations and shows how many of the difficulties faced by the service sector are caused by a lack of awareness of, and training in the importance of excellent customer service. Gilmore (2003) describes a service organisation as one where the perceived value of the offering to the buyer is determined more by the service rendered than the product offered. Gilmore goes on to say customer service used within the service organisation is an act, process or performance. The service can be intangible, such as legal services, health care and cleaning services. Or it can be an element of a tangible product, like restaurants and retail outlets. The customer service used in service organisations are a series of customer experiences designed individually by the organisation to create customer satisfaction and retention. It is important to be customer focused in the way service experiences are delivered because
Customer complaints have over doubled in the last few years. This shows some big issues in the customer service management. Research which areas customers are most dissatisfied with and support the staff in gaining new skills to meet the customers ever changing needs.
| Satisfaction is a primary factor in this sector, but not as concerned with excellence in customer service as the commercial sector. Rather than selling products to make profit they offer services to the community. The quality of and access to an organisation is usually guided by working to customer service charters. Making sure the services offered are satisfactory and beneficial to the community at the right price must be balanced.
In this paper we will look at outrageous customer services and three principals of customer service. We will also cover intergrading principals of customer service personally and professionally. Often in this paper we will use Costco as a model to explore the concepts of customer services. The goal of this paper is to get a clear understanding of what outrageous customer service is and what it looks like in action through the Costco experience.
Customers want to be treated in a friendly manner with honest, straightforward information and responses. They appreciate a customer service representative who is willing to admit mistakes and work to correct them. Customers who believe they have been misled stop doing business with the company. These ‘critical incidents’ are experiences that make the customer walk away and never return. They don’t complain, they just leave and share the negative service experience with others. The bad news spreads, leading the organisation to lose more customers and deterring prospective customers. Critical incidents can include broken promises that annoy and anger customers. Customers expect to be informed if a promise cannot be fulfilled. Finally, customers expect understanding and empathy from a customer service representative who is willing to see things from their point of view, especially when there is a problem.
The article written br Frances Frei deals with the idea that for firms to be successful, they must first realize that the customer can greatly hinder or help them succeed in their goals. Frei describes that the customer is an integral part of production in a service company and there are four elements that must be combined in order to fully succeed in customer service. Learning from the customers is one of the most important parts to succeeding and combining these elements in order to ensure this success. The problem the article addresses is how to combine these four elements in order to gain the most success out of a service business. The four elements are the offering, funding mechanism, employee management system
Excellence in customer service is the objective of all organisations wishing to be successful. However, there is often a gap between customer expectations and management perceptions of customer expectations. Organisations often fail to get close to their customers and correctly read their expectations.
Customer service can help to build positive relationships with customers, increase sales and lead to loyal and returning customer which can have a positive effect on the business and indeed the industry as a whole.
Customer service is the most important aspect of any business. Without an adequate relationship with its consumer base, a company is at an enormous disadvantage.
The author knows that a business will not succeed if the employees do not give the customers a quality customer service. Customers are most likely to come back to a place where they feel welcome, where they feel like they are being well treated.
: Having excellent customer service - “ Service from the Heart” “ Value for money”
Service is simply helping someone for profit or nonprofit. Service is intangible product. It means that there is no physical appearance of the object in the process. “A service is the action of doing something for someone or something. You cannot touch it. You cannot see it. You cannot taste it. You cannot hear it. You cannot feel it. It is largely intangible”. Introduction to Services Marketing - Marketing Teacher. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2014, from Marketing is the coordination of 4Ps of product, place, price and promotion. It is the exchanging, communicating, delivering of the product. The marketing manager must show the elements of ideas to the audience to prove that intangible product is worth the purchase. Service is the performance of the product and selling that is Service marketing. Therefore, the new term ‘Quality’ is very important to service businesses.
What is customer service and why is it so important? According the article “The Art of Customer Service” by Elicia Lupoli, customer service is defined as “the provision of service to customers before, during, and after a purchase. The perception of success from such interactions is dependent on employees “who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest.” For on quality customer service to be effective it must resonate with the consumer or in this appear the patient. Patients are often worried and/or stressed when entering the
The service concept can simply be broken down into three different stages which is firstly the organising idea this is basically when the service is used or bought by the consumer. The next being the service provided, this is the process in which affects the way their service provider ends up interacting with their customer base. Last but not least is the service received, now the service received is the end result of the customers overall experience in particular the emotions that they then feel towards this posing the question if they were satisfied with the service provide and lastly was it good value for the money that they ended up paying for it. (Johnston & Clark 2008)
Customer service is where it all begins. It is from the moment of meeting a customer to the moment of saying goodbye. Customer service is the root to a successful business and one of the most important aspects. However, most businesses, of all kinds, lack good customer service and lacking good customer service can hurt a business in many ways. I am employed at David’s Bridal in Baton Rouge and have heard of many customer complaints. My solution to this problem takes three steps. When hiring, an interviewer should look for extensive experience in customer service, followed by very frequent customer service training among employees, and finally giving an incentive to employee for having good customer service and encourage them to continue.
Every Business has a goal to be successful. Success is needed for a business to flour grow and one of the ways to obtain triumph in business is customer service. There are changing grades of customer service from very poor to the excellent and while many people can provide some level of customer service not everyone recognizes how to effectually provide this dynamic part of the thriving business riddle. Gaining loyal customers, and giving educational platform to inform their employees on how to give and receive great customer service as well as being able to deal with conflict resolution correctly. What is customer service? Defined by Investopedia "Customer service is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service. Often, customer service takes place while performing a transaction for the customer, such as making a sale or returning an item. Customer service can take the form of an in-person interaction, a phone call, self-service systems, or by other means.”