
Description Of A Leader : Lynley Joined The Unthsc Team

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Description of Leader Lynley joined the UNTHSC team about 20 years ago as a research assistant in the department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience after receiving a degree (BS) in Neuropsychology from TCU. Every day she would come into the research center and work with rats on improving diseases and conditions many American are fighting today. After about 6 years in Pharmacology, her boss at the time took a position in Information Technology Services (ITS) as a grant writer. A spot opened in ITS at the Helpdesk, and as Lynley had a lot of computer maintenance and software support in the labs. Several people, including her boss, recommended that she apply for the helpdesk position. Lynley was looking for a change and she felt that this could be a start of something great. It was definitely something different than what she was used to. She had also become bored with what she was doing and has developed an allergy to the rats. The rest, as they say, is history. Lynley’s journey in ITS has taken her from helpdesk Assistant to her current position as Chief Information Officer. Lynley leads a team of accomplished developers, analysts, and client support technicians. Every day she gets to do what she loves, which is helping the HSC teams succeed. Each day is different, and hardly ever predictable, which Lynley thinks is fabulous. On the personal side, Lynley has been married to a wonderful man for 17 years, and is the proud mom of 3. She has 2 girls and 1 boy; ages 13, 10 and 9.

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