
Designing Visually Appealing Works For Clients

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When I first began my studies at Concordia University I thought design, graphic design specifically, meant to create visually appealing works for clients. With this original idea in mind, I was unsatisfied as I wanted my works to be much more than something that was simply considered “attractive”. This connotation left me with one important unanswered question: how can I, as a designer, better the lives of individuals? After reflecting on who I am as a person, I realized that my values have always been the desire to empower human and non-human stakeholders, particularly those who are neglected. This is the reason why I decided to become a designer, to use my passion of design to attempt to make a difference in the world. Through the concepts explored in my courses at Concordia University, my previous question has now been answered of how I can empower others by virtue of my works. Having reached the point of near-graduation, I have been exposed to many ways of thinking about design, both design theory and design practice. This has taken place through my courses, commissions, the design work I did for friends and family, etc. As a result, I have gained a more complex understanding of what design is, and, by extension, what being a designer entails. I will discuss this below, but in the meantime, I have isolated five keywords which will form the basis for my discussion below. They are: 1. emotional design 2. value 3. personal 4. empowerment 5. community When I

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