
Developing A Workplace Learning Environment

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Developing a Workplace Learning Environment

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Introduction 4
Assessment 1: Project 1 5
Training needs analysis 5
Training needs analysis plan 6
Training Needs Analysis report based on employee competencies and expectation 9
Assessment 2: Case Study/Observation 12
Common mistakes being made by management 12
Steps which can be taken to avoid high turnover rates among Gen Y workers 13
Personal experience with too much bureaucracy and not enough communication 15
Assessment #4 17
Benefits of a performance linked learning system. 17
What is training needs analysis 18
Discussion of at least two learning styles 18
Possible barriers in a learning process 20
Five ways of motivating employees 21
Explanation of coaching and mentoring 22
Coaching 22
Mentoring 22
What motivates employees 23
Performance linked learning system and benefits of applying it in an organization 24
How managers can foster workplace learning 25
Five human basic needs as per William Glassers Choice theory 25
Conclusion 26
References 28

Developing a Workplace Learning Environment
The primary goal of workplaces is to produce goods and services. However, these places are also important in facilitating learning. Workplace erudition takes place when employees’ knowledge and experience are developed through taking part in daily work activities (Ashton 2004). For

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