
Developing Yourself as an Effective Hr Practitioner

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Understanding Customer needs: • Care Managers These are the managers for whom I recruit carers on an on-going basis, they have a high turnover of staff and require fast recruitment to meet the demands of the business. • Senior Managers I have targets that have been set by the senior management team for the Service Centre which are reported on each week using a pipeline report. I also have three administrators who report in to me; so as well as meeting my own targets I need to ensure that my team are also meeting theirs. • Current Applicants These are the carers I recruit and see through the compliance process, they often expect to be able to start working immediately. Conflicting Demands In order to meet the conflicting demands of …show more content…

Essential Activities – 5.7.1 Research and provide analysis to inform decisions on channels to recruitment. I work closely with recruiting managers to attract key people in to our work force. I have built relationships with local colleges to entice students who are studying towards relevant qualifications in health and social care to work for us, holding open days specifically to attract this market of potential candidates. I have been involved in trialling new ways to recruit using external providers such as government initiative lead companies to attract people who already have relevant training and a sound knowledge of the care industry. I regularly place adverts with local media publications and use an external company to find the best one for the specified geographical location. I believe it is essential that you have an understanding of the business needs so you can better utilise your resources to attract employees who are likely to stay with the company thus having a knock on effect on retention. 5.9.1 Administer assessment events, arrange logistics for assessors and candidates and collate information for assessors. I was recently involved in an assessment centre for a new finance team, the day involved various tasks and I was responsible for collating the scores for each candidate in each area of the assessment day. The scores were then used to make a decision on who would best

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