
Dispelling The Myths : International Tefl And Warnings

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Dispelling the myths: International TEFL and warnings
Preparation and personal attributes: Making the transition
TEFL job seeking: Avoiding the pitfalls
As a brief introduction, the author is not a recruiter, or with affiliations to any companies or individuals. The advice given and the links provided contain information, as opposed to the often misleading lure of recruitment drives.
The days of, have white face can travel, are over. One year backpackers and their tales of bumming their way around the world, together with their alcoholic and drug addicted partying stablemates are on the decline. In a continuing world recession, it is now rare to find a genuine backpacker anywhere in Asia.
Accordingly, the article aims to provide facts, which enable the prospective applicant to decide whether they are indeed suitable for a TEFL career, what that entails and how to go about it safely.
Although the article concentrates specifically on Asia, others might find the general premise applies to other countries. This article is one of several by the author, and referred to within the following pages. Differing from the usual recruiter hype and containing a no holds barred format; Welcome aboard to helping you unlock the door to TEFL job seeking.
Dispelling the myths: International TEFL and warnings
1. There are no sun drenched beaches, adventure, or a salary reflecting a pot of gold at the end of the proverbial TEFL rainbow.
2. If you have no degree and no experience, you will

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