
ENGL 102 Reflective Essay

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When August rolled around the corner I started to get nervous and excited about taking ENGL 102 Research Writing, nervous because writing isn’t my strong point and excited because it would mean learning something new. I have heard the horror stories from other students about writing ten page papers and couldn’t fathom the idea of having to write about one topic for ten pages long. I remember when I first looked at the syllabus and felt quite over-whelmed. After about a month into the class I realized it wasn’t so bad after all, and really started to understand the whole concept of writing based off of research. Through exercises, reading, and discussion boards it was all starting to make sense. The first step in starting a research essay …show more content…

It’s good to pick a topic that you can actually find information on. If the topic you pick doesn’t have any information on it, it’ll be hard to write a ten page paper on it. This brings you to the next step, which would be finding information or sources on the topic that you choose. I have learned there are five main types of sources: primary sources which presents original words of a writer, secondary sources which analyzes somebody else’s work, objective sources which uses experiments/survey results, subjective sources which uses blogs and essays, and living sources from in person interviews or phone calls. When you are finding sources I have learned that there are unstable sources out there. I figured taking information from a website that wasn’t reliable wasn’t really the best thing to do but I never knew it as an unstable source. I now know to use sources from websites like end with .org, .edu, or .gov. The internet has so many endless and pointless information that it can be really easy to get off task. It’s easier to stay on task if you go straight to websites that have reliable information. When finding sources it is equally important to start making a

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