
Eight Bullets: A Brief Summary

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Sexual orientation and gender identity are characteristic of the human personality. Therefore, the right to freely live the sexual orientation or gender identity and express them without fear are human rights in the fullest sense of the word. All people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, should enjoy all the rights described in the Declaration Universal Human Rights. However, this ideology was just recently implemented. In the past, society, politics, and religion were against this and due to several organizations and their actions that impacted this movement. By protecting the weak and by unite citizens who were tired of being judged and treated horribly just because of their sexual orientation, major organizations shaped the development of that fight for …show more content…

Opposing other organizations, the NGLTF took a more diplomatic approach to the situation. Their founders, including Barbara Gittings, Frank Kameny, among others, created what they referred as the anti-violence project. They firmly believed that the only way to put a stop to the violence is for the people to come out. We can discreetly see this mentality in the autobiography, “Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story of Surviving Anti-Gay Violence”. When the author first discusses her situation to Kevin Berrill, the director of the national gay and lesbian task force anti-violence program, repeating himself he advises that “even if the police and lawyers for the prosecution are going to be homophobic, it’s better to come out.” (82). since many attacks were never brought to the police for the fear of being misjudged by their sexual orientation, there was no way of putting a stop to the injustice. “I was fortunate. First that I lived. Second, that people really helped. The criminal justice system has responded appropriately to the murderous actions of Stephen Roy Carr.”

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