
Employee Engagement Is A Kind Of Work Approach

Decent Essays

Employee engagement is a kind of work approach designed for workplaces in order to confirm that the staffs are committed to the organisation goals and understand the values which are intended for the success of the company and equivalently they are capable of reinforcing their own sense of well being. In this report, the topic of employee engagement has been discussed and supported with relevant details.

Elements of Employee Engagement
There are generally three categories under which employees can be categorized. They are:
Engaged – These kinds of employees are generally very passionate about their work and feel a profound affiliation towards the organisation. Their passion towards their work makes them very innovative which further leads to the benefit of the organisation.
Not Engaged – These second category of employees are clearly the exact opposite of the first one. They feel lethargic towards work due to their lack of either passion or motivation.
Actively Disengaged - These kinds of employees act to be unhappy in order to avoid their work. They not only avoid their own work but at the same time they demoralize those engaged employees on their accomplishments.
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