
Exploring The Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, And Statistics Of Chondrosarcoma And Osteosarcoma

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Bone Cancer
Exploring the Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, and Statistics of Chondrosarcoma and Osteosarcoma
Alexus Edwards & Gabrielle Newton
Ms. Knetter - A1
Ronald Wilson Reagan College Preparatory IB High School

Bone cancer is an uncommon disease that typically develops in the arm and leg bones (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Every year, there is an estimated 2,970 diagnoses made in the United States between all ages and genders (, 2014). The two most common types are osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma, both of which share similar symptoms, treatment options, and survival rates.
Bone cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of bone cells. The first recognizable symptoms are pain and tenderness in the bone. Other common signs include decreased mobility of a joint, fatigue, as well as anemia. Bone tumors are a clear indicator of bone cancer, however, they often go unnoticed until significant pain or injury has been acquired as a result. Apart from tumors, the symptoms of bone cancer are indecisive and can pertain to a number of medical conditions. This condition cannot be self-diagnosed, but only determined through further inspection by a doctor. (Viswanatha, 2011). There are two types of bone tumors: benign (non-cancerous and typically non-threatening) and malignant (cancerous and requiring medical attention). Such growths are seen in metastatic bone cancers, a type of cancer that does not originally start in the bones, but spreads to the bones from

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