
Extra Gum Commercial

Decent Essays

Sabrina Dang
Mr. Cook
English DE 101
15 April 2016
Give Extra, Get Extra-Using Family Bonds To Sell Gum "Give Extra, get extra. A piece of long lasting Extra is a simple pleasure that helps make real connections special(Wrigley)." The main objective of a company that produces a commercial is to get its product to sell. There are many methods that are used to attract the audience to purchase its product. The Wrigley JR. Company took advantage of the human senses of love and the contagious feeling to persuade its viewers into buying its product. The company of Extra Gum took its own product to another level with its commercial. The Extra Gum commercial was persuasive because of all the rhetorical devices used to target the viewer's emotions …show more content…

In the article Norma Dulin wrote, "Ethos is the credibility a speaker or writer brings to his or her subject(Dulin)." It demonstrated credibility through personal experience because the commercial had scenes where the daughter is grown up as a teenager. In all the scenes before her teenage years, the daughter gratefully accepted her father's origami bird, and as a teenager, she ignored her father in the scenes. This gave the viewers a sense of something real because not every father has a perfect relationship with his teenage daughter, and the viewers were able to relate to that. For example, some daughters tend to ignore her father in their teen years because they often think that they are too old for them, or they were way too busy to be able to bond with their father. At the end of the commercial, the father has a flashback of all the times he gave his daughter an origami bird, and this suggested that the bird played a large role in their lives. This resulted in Extra Gum being more than a gum, it made up the whole relationship between the father and the daughter. This made the gum more credible which persuaded some viewers to buy the …show more content…

Norma Dulin stated,"Logos pertains to logic and reason(Dulin)." The commercial's way of conveying its message suggested that Extra Gum was the logical choice of gum to purchase. This served as an effective way to advertise the product, so the viewers may buy the gum. Throughout the commercial, the gum appeared to bring together both the father and daughter, and it brought out their healthy father-daughter relationship. The origami cranes always made the father’s daughter happy even through her sad times. The commercial showed the gum as both a delicious candy and something that improved the quality of life. Both of these characteristics is a logical choice of gum brand which resulted in the advertisement persuading the viewer to buy the

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