
Ghrelin Emotions

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It has been found that certain chemicals in the brain impact your feelings of being hungry or satisfied. The two primary hormones are ghrelin, the natural appetite stimulating hormone, and leptin, the natural appetite suppressing hormone. Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the stomach that tells your brain when you are hungry, therefore stimulating your appetite. It has also been found to slow your metabolism and decrease your ability to burn fat. The hormone leptin is produced in adipose tissue. It does the opposite job; it tells your brain when you are full or satisfied. It stimulates the burning of calories and increases your metabolism.
Research is continually being done to learn more about how our appetite’s function. Leptin and …show more content…

This design is intended for us to maintain normal, healthy weight. Our lifestyle choices can either allow us to maintain normal weight or cause us to get out of sync. For example, if you do not have adequate sleep you will create more ghrelin and less leptin. This will result in an increase in appetite and reduce the burning of calories. Another example is when you reduce your food intake when dieting; ghrelin production is increased. This increase sends a signal to your hypothalamus that you need to eat more. It is this lack of sleep that forces your body to work against itself and not maintain and optimal environment for a healthy weight.
Regular exercise helps to regulate ghrelin and leptin production. Exercise normalizes your appetite and aids it in efficiently burning calories.
The foods that you select also affect ghrelin, leptin, and the satiety center of your brain. The brain does not recognize simple sugars or artificial sweeteners as food. As a result of this, ghrelin will stimulate your appetite even though you may not even be hungry. This increased consumption will result in your overeating and increasing

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