
Human Resource Management : An Organization Essay

Better Essays

Human Resource Management

As competition increases around the world, leading companies in every business category have recognized that having a quality workforce can help the company gain a competitive advantage in the market. Many companies have started hiring people irrespective of their race, sex, religion, nationality etc. The critical thing for any company is to understand and use potential of their workforce. Building and managing top-quality workforce is not as easy as it may seem. In order to get to this point, a company has to believe that the human resource department is an investment and not a liability. Having a diverse workforce can invite a lot of issues that dent the company’s performance. Human resource management plays a strategic role in managing people, workplace culture and environment. In order to be the best in human resource management an organization has to be the best in planning. The plan that the human resource management develops will come from the company’s master plan and the strategies have to reflect the company’s priorities. The basic essence of HRM is to concentrate on recruiting, managing, organizational development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, training.
Company Profile
Jindal Steel Works (JSW Ltd)
The JSW Group is amongst the leading conglomerates in India, with presence across the vital sectors of the Indian economy. With a diverse workforce of over 40,000 individuals, JSW is known to be the “strategic first mover”

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