Jung Personality Typology Test is designed to determine personality type. There are 16 different personality types measured by 8 traits: extraversion, introversion, sensing, intuition, feeling, thinking, judging, and perceiving. The leader’s results are predominately extrovert, slight preference of sensing over intuition, slight preference of feeling over thinking, and slight preference of judging over perceiving (Jung Typology Test, 2017). The Communications Quiz is designed to measure how effective leaders are at all points in the communications process. The results determined the leader was a capable communicator, however the leader needed to take the time and think about the approach to communication, and concentrate on receiving …show more content…
Part 4. Relationship Building Action Plan People skills are instrumental to a leader’s success because they allow leaders to effectively communicate and listen to their employees. They add value to the organization by creating trust and mutual respect. Leaders with good people skills communicate effectively, listen to their employees, understand their employees, and their employees trust them. The leader’s performance was severely affected from lack of people skills. Communication, emotional IQ, and personality were all areas that the leader needed to improve upon. Communication was identified multiple times in the peer review and evaluation as a deficiency. The leader’s lack of communication directly led to a loss of productivity in the department. Furthermore, employees felt that they were not being listening to, leading to a loss of moral and trust. Also, the leader was completely oblivious to the emotions within the department. If the leader would have taken the time to perceive and understand the employees’ emotions, they would have been able to identify the issues within the department and take corrective measures. Also, things would have never gotten this out of hand if the leader had a better personality. Many of the employees felt the leader was unapproachable and acted better than they were, causing employees to stop following the leader. The leader follower relationship is instrumental to fulfilling the strategic plan of the leader. The leader
Peoples skills are important this is needed during work or even in general, good people skills are defined as the ability to listen, to be able to communicate and to relate to others on a person or professional level. Good people skills also extend to include empathy, patience, engendering trust, flexibility, a sense of humour, negotiating, honest and problem solving.
In my research on the reliability and validity of the Jung Typology Test, I found that the Jung Typology Test has been validated on a test sample of 1000 individuals, ranging in ages from 18 to 70 (Humanmetrics, 2016). The validity statement did not provide information on the gender or ethnicity of the individual respondents, which could affect the test validity. The majority of the reliability correlation coefficients (including Test-Retest and Split-Half) are over .70, indicating an average to good level. In regards to type frequency, ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) held the highest estimate at 13.8% and INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) was the lowest at 1.5%—it is considered among the rarest types in the general
Effective leaders opt to implement a specific type of leadership style as a result of their personalities and job experiences, and apply it to their organizational structure. However, that particular type of leadership style a leader utilizes may not apply to every job situation (Peak et al., 2010). In order to be an effective leader, an individual must acquire the three basic leadership skills and they are as follows: (1) human relations; (2) conceptual skills; and (3) technical skills (Haberfeld, 2013). Additionally, a skillful leader must also be proficient in motivating, communicating, and problem solving (Hess & Orthmann, 2012).
Upon completion of the Jung Typology Test, I realized that I fell in the middle of two of the types listed. I received the results for Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ). My results by percentage were Introvert (9%) iNtuitive (9%) Thinking (3%) Judging (28%). The second type was Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ) because I received three percent in the Thinking category. After reading the descriptions and career choices, I feel I am more related to the INFJ than the INTJ. Knowing my personality type assist me with school because it explains my need to understand what I am trying to write about before I write it. It also explains why I feel as if I am an Introvert at home and at times I have feeling of being an Extrovert.
According to the Jung Typology Test, my four letter personality type is ISFJ. I was not surprised with my results at all and found them to be very accurate and represent me as a person. As an introvert, “I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people (CITE). As a student, being an introvert is a disadvantage for me because I do not work well with large study groups and instead rather lock myself in a room and study alone. With sensing, “I learn best when I see how to use what I’m learning” (CITE) and only complete things using what I know from experience. By only using my experience when completing assignments or school work hinders my experience as a student by limiting my ability to learn new material. Through feeling, I tend
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
After taking the Jung typology test, I was astonished how the results described my disposition down to the minute details. My personality type is introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging, INFJ for short. INFJs love people, but tend to only share their feelings with a selective few. Perceived as dreamers and doers, this unique combination of vision along with practicality enables INFJs to accomplish great humanitarian feats. Often they are deeply concerned for the people surrounding them, but when situations begin to get to emotionally tolling, this personality type tend to seclude into themselves pushing everyone away. Additionally, they often take on a disproportionate amount of responsibility. My persona matches the test results exactly.
Hello, I’m Joshua Dudley and the results I got for my Jung Typology Test was on point for the kind of person I am. In the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my letters were ENFJ. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship (butt). All of the letters have different meanings. (E)- Extravert (34%), (N)- iNtuitive (9%), (F)- Feeling (19%), and (J)- Judging (28%) and these for letters ENFJ make up the type of person I am. I also had to find a two letter temperament for my personality. The two Letters I think that fit me is (NF)- “The Idealists” which my primary
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test provided me with unexpected results. The test showed me that I am more of an extravert over introvert, I have a “slight preference of sensing over intuition”, I have “no preference of thinking over feeling”, and I have “slight preference of judging over perceiving.” These results surprised me slightly while also telling me things I already expected.
A personality type dictates ones compatibility in his environment. A personality is an explanation for how one acts, feels, and thinks. Once a person can understand their personality type, one can investigate further in order to interpret new meaning within his persona. The Jung Typology assessment is a test that analyzes people based on their responses to a 64 question test. Once an individual completes the test each person is arranged into sixteen categories.
The achievements of an organization are extremely important to the community it serves. Organizations have leaders and followers who form teams within to accomplish goals and achieve success. The understanding of the leader and follower relationship is foundational in balancing the collaboration and cohesiveness alliance in fulfilling the mission, vision and values of the organization.
One of the best strengths of an HR leader the article pointed out is building positive relationships. I believe the article also left out a very important strength which is communication. Good communication between an employer and its employees is imperative for building a positive workplace culture. With outstanding communication skills, a leader can help their workplace understand better their roles in driving organizational results and motivate them toward peak performances. A weakness I believe the article left out is listening. A leader that is more isolated becomes less informed and increasingly dependent resulting in poor
The human side of management is setting an example of using leadership roles for the organization, and guiding employees to set common goals. Management also is known for making the work environment suitable for their employees so they are happier and more efficient when they are working on projects, or deadlines (Boone & Kurtz 2012). It is an important role of management to finding those who are qualified, and trained for the establishment while helping employees to improve during their time of employment. Managers and leaders can both be responsible of finding the right individual who could take on the position because the right candidate with the right
The Jung Personality Test, was a test, trying to figure out about what kind of person I am. The test had many different questions it was asking and I would answer them truthfully. Through this test, I learned I was extroverted, sensitive, a thinker/feeler and perceiving.
My reaction to the “Jung Typology Test” is that it was fairly accurate. I took the Myers-Briggs test last semester for one of my classes and I got the same results. I thought that the test was very simple. However, I thought that some of the questions on the test were a little tricky to answer because I went both ways on it. Some of them were similar to each other with little variations, so it was hard to answer. Overall, I believe that the findings were true to my personality because I can relate to all the letters very well. They truly describe the type of person I am.