Light is electromagnetic radiation, energy shown as a wave or a particle, that can be visually perceived as radiant energy.1 Light is measured by the wavelength and frequency. A wavelength is the distance from any point on one wave to the same point on the next wave and shown by lambda, λ.2 The different types of light begins with gamma rays and proceed to radio waves when increasing wavelengths are compared. Frequency is the number of crests per second and is expressed in hertz and shown as v. The pattern associated with light is indirectly related to the wavelength. The variability of light starting with gamma rays and ending with radio waves is connected by decreasing frequency. Frequency is independent of the wavelength and are both …show more content…
The Red #40 was mixed with 10 mL of DI water, the solvent. The volume of stock solution needed to prepare these solutions are shown in the second column of Table 3. After obtaining the appropriate micropipettor, 200 uL, it was used to measure the aliquot of the stock solution. This solution was transferred into a volumetric flask and diluted with the 10 mL of DI water. DI water was used as the blank and the solutions were then placed inside the cuvettes which were then placed into the Vernier pH spec-trophotometer. The absorbance and λmax of each solution were then recorded as seen in the third column of Table 2. These values were then plotted on a linear regression as seen in Figure 1. Next, 0.50 mL of maraschino cherry juice was obtained by using the appropriate micropipet-tor, 100 uL, of the aliquot of the stock solution. This was transferred into a volumetric flask and diluted with nanopure water until the solution reached 25 mL. Nanopure water was used as the blank and the solution was then placed in a cuvette which was then measured inside the Vernier pH spectrophotometer. The absorbance and λmax of this solution was then recorded in third column of Table 3. The cherry juice and nanopure water solution was calculated by using the linear regression equation seen in Figure 1. The cherry juice concentration and nanopure was 2.26 uM. The stock solution was calculated by using m1v1=m2v2. The cherry juice concentra-tion and nanopure water mass, uM, was m1 and the 25 mL of the diluted solution was v1. The v2 was the 0.50 mL of the cherry juice. After calculations, the m2 was calculated. It ended up being 131 µM which was the mass of the stock
In Part C of the experiment, the process completed in Part B was performed again on the six Kool-Aid drink samples: black cherry, cherry limeade, grape, mixed berry, strawberry, and tropical punch. The cherry limeade, grape, mixed berry, and tropical punch samples were undiluted stock solutions that were used in the SpectroVis. The black cherry solution was diluted with a 2-fold dilution. The 3 mL of black cherry solution was diluted with 3 mL of deionized water. This was done because the Red 40 dye was too concentrated. The strawberry solution was first diluted by a 2-fold but the absorbances values were too high and fell outside the acceptable range of 0-1. Therefore, 8 mL of strawberry solution was diluted with 12 mL of deionized water. These values for all of the solutions were recorded in Table 5. The solutions were emptied down the sink. All the glassware and cuvettes were rinsed with deionized water and dried. The volumetric flasks and caps were returned to the appropriate containers.
After the serial dilutions of the red and blue dyes were taken, the molarity and absorbance for both dyes were calculated. Using the MiVi = MfVf equation, the concentrations for each value of the red and blue dye were separately calculated. Calculating absorbances calls for setting the correct wavelengths of light for each dye. In this case, the 470 nm wavelength for red dye and the 635 nm wavelength for blue dye was needed to find the maximum absorbances. The absorbance was found by blanking the colorimeter and entering the concentrations. After both values of the absorbances and concentrations were found, the values were then graphed in order to obtain the equation of the relationship between absorbance and concentration.
An experiment was done to determine the concentration of Allura Red in a commercially available beverage, Gatorade. This was done by using the colorimeter, the absorbance of five Allura Red solutions were measured. The graph obtained demonstrated a linear relationship and the equation obtained yielded a concentration of 1.9910-6M.
And finally into test tube 3, I pipetted 1.0 ml turnip extract and 4.0 ml of water. The contents of test tube 1 was poured into a spectrometer tube and labeled it “B” for blank. “B” tube was now inserted it into the spectrometer. An adjustment to the control knob was made to zero the absorbance reading on the spectrometer since one cannot continue the experiment if the spectrometer is not zeroed. A combination of two people and a stop watch was now needed to not only record the time of the reaction, but to mix the reagents in a precise and accurate manner. As my partner recorded the time, I quickly poured tube 3 into tube 2. I then poured tube 2 into the experiment spectrometer tube labeled “E” and inserted it into the spectrometer. A partner then recorded the absorbance reading for every 20 seconds for a total of 120 seconds. After the experiment, a brown color in the tube should be observed to indicate the reaction was carried out. Using sterile techniques, any excess liquid left was disposed
The values of color absorbance are effective because color absorbance has a linear relationship with concentration values, which in turn, allows us to easily find concentration values for many solutions. Beer’s law describes this phenomenon since the absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. We observed that as the color absorbance increased, the concentration of the FeSCN2+ complex ion increased. This is because as the FeSCN2+ concentration increases, the blood-red color becomes darker due to more presence of the blood-red FeSCN2+ ion. Therefore, the color absorbance increases because there is more blue color absorbed by the darker red color. We then graphed the absorbance and concentration values and created a line of best fit. Using the line of best fit, we were able to predict the equilibrium concentrations of the FeSCN2+ solutions and find the change required to reach equilibrium. Since we already knew the initial concentration of FeSCN2+ and since we already found the equilibrium concentration of FeSCN2+, we can calculate the change in equilibrium. Using this data, we were able to calculate the equilibrium concentration of all of the species in this lab, since we already knew the change from the initial concentration to the equilibrium change. Q is less than K because there was no initial concentration of FeSCN2+, but after the system reached
Introduction: The goal or purpose of this experiment was to determine the concentration of Allura Red in red commercially available beverage- Gatorade. Colorimeter are used to shine a LED light through the solution and hit a photocell: it will detect an absorbance or a percent transmittance value. These “value” can be charted and examined as a calibration curve. Calibration curve is a method for determining a substance concentration in an unknown sample
In this experiment, 0.31 g (2.87 mmol) of 2-methylphenol was suspended in a 10 mL Erlenmeyer flask along with 1 mL of water and a stir bar. The flask was clamped onto a hotplate/stirrer and turned on so that the stir bar would turn freely. Based on the amount of 2-methylphenol, 0.957 mL (0.00287 mmol) NaOH was calculated and collected in a syringe. The NaOH was then added to the 2-methylphenol solution and allowed to mix completely. In another 10 mL Erlenmeyer flask, 0.34 g (2.92 mmol) of sodium chloroacetate was calculated based on the amount of 2-methylphenol and placed into the flask along with 1 mL of water. The sodium chloroacetate solution was mixed until dissolved. The sodium chloroacetate solution was poured into the 2-methylphenol and NaOH solution after it was fully dissolved using a microscale funnel.
However one beaker received 100 mL of Deionized water with a molarity of 0.0. Afterwards a cork borer was pushed through the potato and was twisted back and forth. Once the borer was filled it was removed from the potato. Pushing the potato cylinder out of the borer, this this step was repeated six more times in order to get seven undamaged potato cylinders. Using a sharp razor blade, the potato cylinders were both cut to a uniform length of about 5cm, and were removed of their potato skins. The potato pieces were also cut in half to give the cells a greater surface area in which it was easier to absorb the solution. After the cylinders were weighed on a balance and the data was recorded in Table 4. Using the razor blade each potato was cut lengthwise into two long halves. Then the potato pieces were transferred to the water beaker and the time they were submerged was recorded. This step was repeated for all potato cylinders in which the pieces were placed in solutions 0.1 to 0.6 M. The potatoes were incubated for ninety minutes. At the end of the incubation period the time was recorded. Then the potato piece was removed form the first sample. Next potato pieces were weighed the and the final weight was recorded in Table 4. This procedure was repeated until all samples had been weighed and recorded in the chronological order they were initially placed in the test solution. Afterwards the table was completed by recording the
Osmosis is defined as the tendency of water to flow through a semipermeable membrane to the side with a lower solute concentration. Water potential can be explained by solutes in a solution. The more positive a number is more likely it will lose water. Therefore should water potential be negative the cell the less likely it will lose water. In using potatoes the effects of the molarity of sucrose on the turgidity of plant cells. According to Clemson University, the average molarity of a White potato is between .24 M and .31 M when submerged in a sorbitol solution. This experiment was conducted with the purpose of explaining the relationship found between the mass in plants when put into varying concentrations of sucrose solutions. Should the potatoes be placed in a solution that contains 0.2M or .4M of sucrose solution it will be hypotonic and gain mass or if placed in .6M< it will be hypertonic and lose mass instead. Controlled Variables in this lab were: Composition of plastic cups, Brand of Russet Potatoes, Brand of Sweet Potatoes and the Temperature of the room. For independent variable that caused the results recorded it was the different Sucrose concentrations (0.0M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M, 1M). The dependent variable was the percentage change from the initial weighs to the final. The cup with .4 molarity was the closest to an isotonic solution and was used as the control group for the lab. Water potential is the free energy per mole of water. It is
After this, the solution was poured into a volumetric flask just about to the 1dm3 line and then it was left there to cool to the same temperature as the room before filling precisely to the 1dm3 line with distilled water. The molar mass of CuSO4.5H20 was 249.5 so that means 249.5g of copper sulphate was needed to dissolve, in order to make a standard solution, into 1dm3of distilled water. Following this, a linear dilution of the CuSO4.5H2O was made in order to be used to make a calibration curve after using the colorimeter to write down the absorbance of each sample. A linear dilution is diluted with distilled water in order for it to make the concentration weaker and weaker. For this investigation, the dilutions made ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 M/l . It was essential to only make up 10cm3
The experiments involved PH buffers of different pH were added to potato juice, water, and the enzyme catecholase. The mixture was then subjected to spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 420nm taking the absorbance readings. In the second experiment, a phosphate buffer of PH 7.0 was used in different measures together with different measurement of potato juice and the enzyme catecholase then subjected to the spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 420nm. The data collected inform of table and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as line graph and later interpreted, showing that PH and enzyme concentration do affect the rate of enzyme reaction
Table 2: Consists of color extract taken from a red cabbage for a natural indicator. The pH reading that was measured by using the pH meter and the result of the pH reading to determine whether the solution was acidic or basic.
1. 5 sucrose solutions were made of increasing molarity: 0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.6 M, 0.8 M, 1.0M. 2. 50 mL of each unknown solution were poured into 5 separate cups. A slice of potato was placed into 5 equal cylinders. 3. The mass of the 5 potato cylinders were then recorded. 4. The cylinders were placed into the foam cups with solution and covered with plastic wrap. It is to be left overnight. 5. The room temperature was recorded in Celsius. 6. The cylinders are then to be removed from the cups and carefully blotted of any excess solution. 7. The mass of the potato cylinders were recorded afterwards.
Light is a form of energy that behaves in some ways like waves. Light waves have a range of wavelengths. A wavelength is the distance between any point on one wave and the corresponding point on the next wave. Different wavelengths of light appear to us as different colors. Light that contains all wavelengths in the same proportions as sunlight appears white. See LIGHT.
With today’s science, light becomes more specifically perceived as a spectrum. The specific name for this spectrum is the electromagnetic spectrum, which contains many types of waves (NASA, Electromagnetic Spectrum). In Figure 2, the spectrum shows a variety of wavelengths with specific wavelengths classified by its length. The range of wavelengths humans can see wavelengths that are around 400 – 700 nanometers (nm) as colors while all other electromagnetic waves are simply blind to humans. The interesting classes for light that are used to measure are microwave and infrared light. The laser is