
Light Synthesis

Decent Essays

Light is electromagnetic radiation, energy shown as a wave or a particle, that can be visually perceived as radiant energy.1 Light is measured by the wavelength and frequency. A wavelength is the distance from any point on one wave to the same point on the next wave and shown by lambda, λ.2 The different types of light begins with gamma rays and proceed to radio waves when increasing wavelengths are compared. Frequency is the number of crests per second and is expressed in hertz and shown as v. The pattern associated with light is indirectly related to the wavelength. The variability of light starting with gamma rays and ending with radio waves is connected by decreasing frequency. Frequency is independent of the wavelength and are both …show more content…

The Red #40 was mixed with 10 mL of DI water, the solvent. The volume of stock solution needed to prepare these solutions are shown in the second column of Table 3. After obtaining the appropriate micropipettor, 200 uL, it was used to measure the aliquot of the stock solution. This solution was transferred into a volumetric flask and diluted with the 10 mL of DI water. DI water was used as the blank and the solutions were then placed inside the cuvettes which were then placed into the Vernier pH spec-trophotometer. The absorbance and λmax of each solution were then recorded as seen in the third column of Table 2. These values were then plotted on a linear regression as seen in Figure 1. Next, 0.50 mL of maraschino cherry juice was obtained by using the appropriate micropipet-tor, 100 uL, of the aliquot of the stock solution. This was transferred into a volumetric flask and diluted with nanopure water until the solution reached 25 mL. Nanopure water was used as the blank and the solution was then placed in a cuvette which was then measured inside the Vernier pH spectrophotometer. The absorbance and λmax of this solution was then recorded in third column of Table 3. The cherry juice and nanopure water solution was calculated by using the linear regression equation seen in Figure 1. The cherry juice concentration and nanopure was 2.26 uM. The stock solution was calculated by using m1v1=m2v2. The cherry juice concentra-tion and nanopure water mass, uM, was m1 and the 25 mL of the diluted solution was v1. The v2 was the 0.50 mL of the cherry juice. After calculations, the m2 was calculated. It ended up being 131 µM which was the mass of the stock

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