
Management and negotiation

Decent Essays

Fall 2014 MGT 832 Negotiation and Conflict Management Mondays 2:40pm – 5:30pm. N124 NBC Dr. Jonelle Roth N421 Business College Complex Office Hours: Mon. 1pm – 2:30pm or by appointment Phone: 429-3519 Email: Textbooks: Lewicki, R., Saunders, D., & Barry, B. (2010). Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases (6th ed). Irwin/McGraw Hill. Additional course material will be handed out by the instructor during the quarter or posted on ANGEL ( Overview: This course is designed to explore the processes of bargaining and negotiation as social and managerial activities. The course is designed to be relevant to a broad spectrum of negotiation and conflict problems that are faced …show more content…

So if you identify “lack of confidence” as a weakness, I want to part of your future papers to examine your confidence levels in the past negotiations and what you’ve done to address that weakness and how you will continue to work on that weakness. I would also like to see your overall evaluation of how you have negotiated with regards to specific negotiations (where you discuss the negotiation, what happened, and how you performed. You can discuss what tactics you used, how they worked, how your opponent responded, etc. Or were you right in your choice of strategy, about your strengths, and about your opposition? If not, why not? Also, how does what you did or learned relate to your everyday, personal situations? How can this help you function better in the future? You are not restricted to what we cover in class. You may (or perhaps should) write about any other negotiations you are or have been involved in at work or in some other setting., Feel free to write about relevant political issues, things happening on TV or in the movies that struck you, conversations with your significant other, etc. Your analysis should deal with those issues similarly to those just outlined above. Grading: The basic grading criterion is apparent effort to gain insight; the best papers in the past have been those that exhibit some evidence of thought and creativity, blending together anticipated and accomplished class

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