
Marketing Plan For A Merchandiser Specialist

Decent Essays

The service that I will provide is a merchandiser specialist for small and “mom and pop” businesses. A merchandiser’s specialist provides vital information on the best course of action and achievements a business should pursue in order to be successful and compete with online merchants and big box retailers. A merchandiser specialist essentially creates and implements a marketing plan that consists of promoting the sales of products using marketing research data, customer feedback and creativity. Also, a merchandiser specialist create displays that are eye pleasing to the consumers by highlighting products with attractive signage and pricing to encourage noticeability and increased sales of that business in need. Other responsibilities for a merchandiser specialist include assisting the business with proper communication skills to help promote new and existing customers by offering an assortment of marketing objectives to help promote the business and the products they sell. Once the marketing plan for that specific business has been successfully implemented, the next step would entail in directing sales associate, managers, and vendors by creating a plan for them to follow. This would include communicating and sticking with what is needed in order for the business to be successful for years to come.
For a merchandiser specialist to understand what is required when assisting a small business, an S.W.O.T analysis will be utilized in evaluating their businesses. A SWOT

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