
Methods of Leadership Development

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Running Head: Methods of Leadership Development

Methods of Leadership Development
Henry Guigou
Dr. Charlene Williams
Business Leadership 320
October 16, 2010

Table of Contest I. Introduction………………………………………………………………….4-5 II. Self-Awareness………………………………………………………………5-6 A. Clarifying one’s values and priorities B. Seeking new experiences C. Seeking Feedback III. Experience......................................................................................................6-7 A. Key Factors to Lead B. The BDK IV. Developmental Relationships: Coaching and Mentoring…………………..8-9 A. Coaching B. Mentoring V. Feedback-Intensive Programs…………………………………………..…9-10 A. Multisource and …show more content…

* Being able to accept any change and confront those new circumstances and experiences without panic. * Being able to show and demonstrate faith in yourself and follow your instinct. * Being prepared and ready to look for new challenges freely. * Always thinks positively of oneself, and have an optimistic view of others. * Being constantly motivated to extend and expand capabilities.
Self-awareness is being conscious of oneself, of one’s own style as a leader, and of one’s own qualities. “Personal reflection and getting feedback from others are necessary elements for developing self-awareness, a process labeled double-loop learning” (Nahavandi, 2009, p. 337). What one learns from others as well from himself is reflected in self-awareness. One needs to know his own potential and be aware of his weakness to recognize chances for expansion (Crnokrak, 2010) (Nahavandi, 2009, p. 336-337).
Experiences have a great impact in a leader’s life; the experiences a leader can have can be really strong but on occasions can have a negative effect. Sometimes, experiences can create a stronger leader although sometimes experiences can frighten a leader. Confronting negative experiences make leaders be afraid and back away from life. Being afraid of having a similar bad experience leaders occasionally seek for

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