In the Modern History Senior Assessment Plan, I have sought to use have five themes with eight inquiry topics during the course of the unit. This is set requirement by the QCAA, explicitly outlined in the Modern History Senior Syllabus (2004). To an extent, meeting the set requirements by the QCAA was at first quiet difficult, especially after I finished organising the assessment plan for year 11. Due to the great number of themes and inquiry topics focused on during year 11, I had to pick broader themes and inquiry topics to be studied in year 12. Nevertheless, this worked quiet well as it enables the year 12 students studying modern history to refine their historical skills and enabling the students to have greater freedom in
* According to anthropologists, where did the first human beings live? Why did they leave that place? How did they get to North America?
Coffee originated from Ethiopia and quickly spread to Arabia Felix; which is known today as Yemen.
For example interest rates, the cost of raw materials including fuel, the number of sales or orders that we make and in turn all of these rely on other factors. The best therefore that can be done when developing a budget is to look at all the factors that are likely to affect the budget and decide how to take account of each one. If there is a previous budget (last year or last month) then it is sensible to look at how this has been achieved or not as the case may be, and what factors affected the outcome. If we are looking at monthly budgets it might be a better comparison to look at the same month twelve months ago as well as the previous months. The more factors we take into consideration when estimating a budget, the more accurate our budget will be.
Vincent Hoy 4/9/2014 Professor J. Duran History 101 / Spring 2014 Book Report Guide #1 A Perspective on Gentleman’s History In Michael Parenti’s, “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”, Parenti claims that Julius Caesar’s assassination was not an incident, and that his death would actually represent the war between the wealthy, powerful conservatives who call themselves, “gentleman historians” and positive supported lower-class citizens that believed in Caesar’s reforms. Since Caesar was gaining such an incredible amount of power and support from his people, the senate feared that Caesar’s influence would be push these reforms onto the lower-class citizens, and it would threaten and put the upper-classes privileged interests at risk. The
The significance of the republic policies were great, they brought a lot of growth in the 20’s allowing the market to strive over lots of trading and the purchase of shares, but was also an unstable market, as the government had no control over what it did and was left up to the
* bootleg running was popular, but if caught: imprisonment with hard labour, $1000 fine, killed by gangs
a member of an ancient nomadic people from western Asia, probably of Semitic ancestry, who conquered and ruled Egypt between 1720 bc and 1560 bc
Adam and Eve were blessed by God; they lived in a sin free garden with no sickness or pain. Satan is called a deceiver. He is the Evil One who deceived Eve. He
iii.The trade introduced new products to Europe and European products to peoples around the world.
Ghana: wealthy because of gold; declined because of loss of trade, drought, and pressure from outside forces
In all three of these artifacts, I have developed relevant, integrative, challenging, and exploratory units of study. The “Preserving the Past” unit incorporates all four core subjects as well as a service learning opportunity. My interdisciplinary unit on geography connects Language Arts with Social Studies with visual art mixed in, and the Greek mythology ELA unit was taught in conjunction with a Social Studies class (1). The Civil War unit and NC geography unit I have created incorporate Common Core standards as well as NC Essential standards. Lesson plans and assessments in all of these units were created using backwards design in which I started by looking at the standards and objectives students would be expected to reach and based my assessment based on those objectives (2,10).
All empires sought to foster an imperial identity that transcended more local identities and loyalties.
It has been moments just before the start of the AP World History exam and my mind was already clouded with uncertainty. Utensil and sheet in front, my hands were trembling with fright, a cold sense in my chest, feet unstable as if suffering from an intense spasm. An immense pressure persisted within me as if drawing the weight of all my burdens. Looking around the environment felt frigid. A quick glance around saw faces of fellow comrades, each one fixated on the very same sheet in front of me. While five minutes had past, the familiar feelings of complete incompetence still persisted within me. I was unable to recall on my own proficiency: facts and concepts to which I spent months prior memorizing vigorously. Moreover, I was a sophomore taking my first AP exam, yet succumbing to the same old mental disintegration.
Failure is a part of life. While many see failure as a negative thing, I have started to see it as a situation that can make you a better person. Failure drives me to never make that mistake again. I first realized this when I took my first AP class and AP exam and received a score of 2. This journey all started sophomore year when I took AP World History. I quickly learned that I needed to actually read and take notes to be able to succeed in the class. It took a few poor grades on essays and tests for me to understand this. Despite this new revelation, I still struggled in the class. When it came time to start reviewing and preparing for the exam, I put an immense amount of effort, but not as hard as I should’ve been. Exam day came and
When I passed my AP World History test. During my freshman year I was put into an AP class. I didn’t know what AP was, I didn’t know what to expect. I was able to handle my honors classes because it was material back in middle school. However, AP World History was strenuous and took major effort. There were multiple times where I had uncertainty of whether or not I was capable to keep going. I really felt out of place because it was a difficult class with essays, chapters to read and exams every week. Nonetheless, I never gave in, I convinced myself that the reason why my school put in roughly 90 kids, including myself, out of at least 1000, is because they saw potential in us and knew that we would be able to handle the stress of a college