Taking Responsibility
At this stage in my career, the structure of my leadership platform embodies self-awareness and innovation for the development of the greater good of my mission. Through my mission, the greater good will be accomplished. This platform emphasizes the implement specific plans for my mission and vision. This leadership platform will also, show the connection of local and global communities. Furthermore, this will show the emphases my leadership development strategies that not only support the organization, but the employees and the surrounding communities.
My mission as a leader is to provide outstanding customer service through safety, innovation, knowledge and supportive services to my team. The first step in my leadership
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In addition, helping my team to cultivate these qualities through motivation and problem-solving training for the employees this will also help support the mission in providing outstanding service. According to the reading Leadership Theory and Practice by Northouse (2013 p.48), Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, et al. (2000), problem-solving skills are a leader’s creative ability to solve new and unusual, ill-defined organizational problems.
It is evident, that I will have challenges during my leadership journey. The challenges of organizational service climate on customer satisfaction. The service climate can change across, the local department as well as the global department within the organization. As a leader in the organization, standardizing service delivery globally throughout the organization making sure that the departments are transparent when delivering service to our
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There are three major departments, I will focus on to show the connection of how I will engage with the local and global communities Total Access, E-business, and Branch services. These three departments run the organization perception to our customer, shareholders and the community. There are a set of requirements that is needed within each department that must be followed to the letter for this organization to function successfully. As mentioned previously, I want to have a supportive environment to all employees and holding quarterly courses to help employees achieve the goals of the department. I want to be able to hold annual customer service in services that allow for an employee to have a learning growth chart to show success in ways to exceed the standards for customers. I want all employees to have different communications techniques to ensure they are providing good service and receiving good service for other staff member and myself. To sum up, my leadership platform Proficiency and effectiveness will
Effective leaders opt to implement a specific type of leadership style as a result of their personalities and job experiences, and apply it to their organizational structure. However, that particular type of leadership style a leader utilizes may not apply to every job situation (Peak et al., 2010). In order to be an effective leader, an individual must acquire the three basic leadership skills and they are as follows: (1) human relations; (2) conceptual skills; and (3) technical skills (Haberfeld, 2013). Additionally, a skillful leader must also be proficient in motivating, communicating, and problem solving (Hess & Orthmann, 2012).
This unit is about being able to define and show an appreciation for key leadership principles in setting and communicating organisational direction, and the application of leadership styles in the achievement of organisational objectives. It is also about being able to differentiate between the leadership and management aspects of a job role and show an understanding of how these are integrated to enable effective performance.
This will continue to support my organizations goal of supporting every learner into being college and workforce thriving members of their communities. I would also like to develop myself as an effective leader to have the knowledge and skills available when professional growth opportunities arrive within my organization. Positioning myself as a leader will allow me to develop and implement policies and practices that would support the mission and vision of
Leadership is not a simple, static concept. It does not form overnight. Instead, it develops alongside experiences which form a person’s character. It is as dynamic as the events that shape our lives. My life experiences equip me with the knowledge to form my own leadership philosophy. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I ensure my subordinates understand my philosophy. I ensure they understand what I expect of them. The basis of my leadership philosophy is promoting self-development, serving others, being proactive, and being an example of effective leadership.
Being a leader can have many different definitions depending on the person. Leadership can be an overarching umbrella over many traits. Leaders possess the ability to be trustworthy, honest, and confident to name just a few. Leadership can be used throughout all aspects of life. Becoming a leader has been a big part of my life thus far. Many steps have been taken to educate myself on the roles and traits that a leader possesses. Learning leadership can be a process, but I took to it right away. Teachers and parents are just a few of the significant people that show leadership skills and impart them on others. Leadership has been taught to me by many different people, and I plan to use those skills to help the future generations become great leaders.
Leadership represents an essential element for the success of an organization, it has a profound impact on the achievement of the goals. The leadership unites an organization efforts and directs toward the behavior of individuals in line with the achievement of objectives and deliverables. Organizations composed of members from different cultures, mentalities, and personalities representing groups of people work together in a specific regulatory framework and in accordance with certain operating procedures. These groups or work teams need to coordinate among them in order to reach the specific objectives. In this context, it always highlights the role of leadership in influencing an organization. The Strategic Leadership Instructor is doing his best to develop our leadership, and exploiting his innate cleverness and natural sensation to support his fellows to succeed. He helps us in enabling of taking advantage of the actual innate sixth sense that God gave it, and exploiting the energy and the ability to distinguish. I learned a lot from readings and during the sessions, I learned from my colleagues some of the basic functions of leadership through their experiences. I learned how to develop my skills that will support my style of leadership. During the discussions I have changed some of principles and ideas that already I have, and the others make me to work on developing them. It became clear to me, when I read the
My Mission Statement as a leader: Develop my Soldiers to have trust in me, as well as
A good leader leads from the middle and not the front. Leadership is working with people in order to complete a task, instead of telling others what to do. Delegating and helping others realize their potential and work to their strengths is what leadership is all about. Leadership is the ability to listen to others and show them the right path. I strive to be a leader in all I do. As a pharmacist, I will be the leader in the community and be able to help patients with their medical needs. While I have had times in my academic classes that I am able to step up and be the leader, I often use my leadership skills most in extracurricular activities. I have served as President of my cooperative house, where I learned so much from the constant leadership.
Lack of leadership has proven to be one of the leading causes of companies not meeting their targets, and that's where Welch's four principles of establishing Mission and Values, applying Candor, implementing Differentiation, hearing the Voice of the team and rewarding accordingly have become very useful in building a strong leadership foundation. In my recent work assignment, I didn't feel I had many good examples to follow. Therefore, to delve into options of how to affect my teams' culture and support, my company's goal has led me to understand the difference between managing and leading. In this paper, I will review my leadership attributes, including any weaknesses, and study the opportunities for improvements to building a platform for effective leadership.
With the long-term goal of becoming a transformational leader, it is often useful to consider one's strengths and weak nesses across four dimensions. These include personal and professional accountability, career planning, personal journey disciplines and reflect practice reference behaviors and tenets. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in each of these four areas. In addition, a discussion will be completed on how current leadership skill sets will be used for advocating change in my workplace. The conclusion of the paper will concentrate on one personal goal for leadership growth, including an implementation plan leading to its fulfillment.
“Leadership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles.” (October 2011, Delta Partners Management Consultants). After all, as leaders, we must take the responsibility to provide direction, instructions and guidance to our employees as we become part of the team, for the purpose of achieving our organization goal and achieve our shared value. We are the one who empower other to create an environment that encourages employees’ engagement and work productivity. With such understanding, we have the power to make positive impacts in our organization as we work together as we identify and recognize our current structure and organizational culture issue and become
After watching this interview, I feel that a well defined leadership purpose statement is the distinction between a good leader and a great leader. Carolyn McKnight’s interview on leadership purpose statements really opened my eyes to the power of these statements, and the time and energy one needs to put into creating a leadership purpose statement. At first it seemed that completing a statement this powerful would be a very daunting task. After watching Mrs. McKnight’s interview, I am confident in my ability to come up with a statement, and that I will have the courage to follow through with it.
The sum of education, experiences, and observations lays a foundation upon which I will grow to become a good leader. In this plan, I will focused on those aspects of leadership that I believe are most required for personal development as well as those which will be so significant for my future leadership career. I have identified three goals which will guide me in the development process. My goals are to develop my integrity, listening skills and communications skills. I assume that this plan will change and be altered as required by life circumstances.
Organizational success is dependent on several interior and exterior factors. While exterior factors are important, the internal workings of an organization are vital. Specifically, empowered employees and effective communication contribute indefinitely to accomplishing common goals within the company. The foundation of successful high performing teams is through effective leadership. Without effective leadership, company morale and productivity can decline causing, the company to fall into a downward spiral. Therefore, to pursue and maintain a career as a leader in financial management, I will need to empower employees and effectively communicate the goals of the organization.
My long term goal is to shape my employees to the best they can be. The employees will be evaluated daily by demonstrating strong skills in the areas of leadership,