
My View On Public Speaking From Bob 's Anthem

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During your lifetime, you would be thrown many bricks. Many of them you would be able to build a castle to show your success, but some of them can destroy your hard work. Unfortunately for me, I thought that COMM 101 was going to destroy my life. I hated the thought of presenting in front people. In many circumstances, I wish this class was not required. However, since the first day of class, I began to have a feeling this class was not going to be like the rest. Bob, my professor, did not want us to address him by his last name. He had also given all of us Burger King Crown, and to this date I still wonder where he got a large amount of them. If you are willing to get past your fears, you will be able to succeed in a communication class. In all honesty, there were three main components that made me change my view on public speaking from Bob’s anthem, “My Personal Belief”, to the informal presentations, and the formal presentations. I have never had a class where a professor had made an anthem for their students. Anthems can be used as a celebration or it can act as empowerment for the people. Bob’s anthem went like this, “I believe in myself. I can do anything I put my mind to. I have a personal power that guides me to create EVERYTHING that is good. My inner voice is my best GPS. It guides me and I trust it. The only thing I have to do is spread my wing and soar. I AM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS!” It was a class necessity to say “My Personal Belief” in the beginning

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