
Organic Chemistry Assignment : Organic Chemical Compounds

Decent Essays

Organic Chemistry Assignment
By: Shirelle Cogan

1a) Organic compounds: C3H4, C8H10, CH3CH2CH2CH3, Benzene Inorganic compounds: H2CO2 (aq), CO2
Why? We know that organic compounds always contain carbon bonds with hydrogen, but not all molecules containing carbon are organic. They can be carbon hydrogen bonds, carbides and carbonates.
b) C6H10= alkene, Name: 1,2-hexdiene

C3H4= alkene, Name= 1,3-propdiene

CH3CH2CH2CH3= alkane, Name= Butane

Benzene= aromatic substance, Formula= C6H6

C) I would expect 1,2-hexdiene and 1,2-propdiene to be the most reactive elements due to the fact that they include double bonds. These are more reactive than single bonds because single bonds only have one electron being “shared” rather than two. The more electrons being fought over, the more “aggressive” the bond is meaning is unstable and very reactive. Butane would not be very reactive due to the fact that it is made op of only single bonds meaning that there is not as much fighting/ aggression between two atoms therefore causing it to be more stable. Additionally, in benzene (a cycloalkene), because the double bonds are continuous throughout the ring, they are evenly distributed throughout the molecule creating a stronger bond and lower reactivity.


b) First name: oct (8 carbons in main chain) Last name: yne (involves a triple bond) 1: triple bond is at carbon atom number one 3,4: branches are at carbon atoms numbered 3 and 4 with only

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