
Personal Philosophy Of Learning Centers

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Learning centers are areas within the classroom where students learn about specific subjects by playing and engaging in activities. My philosophy is that playing is an active form of learning that involves the whole self. Even cognitive development, the primary focus is achieved through child-initiated exploration and discovery. Centers are strategies that focus on building and addressing curriculum information and skills to allow students to review and learn through using the Internet. These centers can be developed around specific curriculum areas such as: language arts, math, social studies, and science. Centers are designed to address all student learning styles and developmental stages.
As a teacher, my job is to provide strategies and skills, such as making decisions, carrying out plans, …show more content…

In my Science Center, students are growing plants and observing animals and insects.There will be a variety of books, magnifying glasses, discovery bottles, lab coats, and science goggles. There will be a cabinet turned into investigation drawers. The students will be able to select an investigation drawer and filled out a lab report on the activities. One drawer will include: magnets, magnetic wands, water bottles filled with items to test and graph magnetic vs. not magnetic, magnetic cars, ice cube tray and magnetic balls. Another drawer will include: insects, books on insects, magnifying glasses, and bugs in jars. Also in this section I will include some rubber reptiles. The last drawer will include: the human body- the students will learn about the human body and its function. I will have plants and a bird nest that the students can observe and examine with magnifying glasses. The drawers will be labeled so the students can easily identify the materials and I can always change out the martials without changing my

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