
Philosophy of Teaching Essay

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Philosophy of Teaching As I think back to teachers in my past, many images come to mind. I remember teachers that were kind, patient and understanding. I also have memories of teachers that were short tempered, angry or just plain lazy. Some were eccentric, while others taught with a relaxed teaching style. So I ask myself, what separates the good from the bad? Why are some teachers so effective while others fall short? What in fact makes a good teacher? Obviously these are not easy questions to answer. All I can do is share my own opinions and beliefs on qualities that I feel make a great teacher. As teachers we have an overwhelming responsibility to prepare students for the rest of their lives. …show more content…

When they see how it relates then they will develop an interest in learning. For example, instead of just memorizing boring facts and dates about history; make it come alive through role play or a group presentation. Take the students on a field trip to the local courthouse so they can see our judicial system in action. As adults we do not live in the classroom, why then should we spend every minute of our young lives in one. In order to live in the real world we must be taught in it. As teachers we must find ways to peak student’s interest so that they want to learn. As a student I always hated to have subjects forced on me. Even now on a college level I grumble at the very idea that I must be forced to take so many classes in math and science. It is my belief that most students feel just that way about education. If they aren’t personally interested in a subject then it could be a real struggle for them to grasp the concepts of that subject. Instead of forcing these subjects on students why not let them decide what they want to study? Existentialism is a radical approach but I feel it is the best way to help students reach their maximum potential. Let the students find subjects of interest to them and then use that to incorporate other subjects. If the students feel they are deciding what to study they will be more likely to comprehend and remember the information. Skills and knowledge

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